A web developer and enthusiast who can help your lovely team grow to reach the next level and solve challenges with your beautiful team. I can help you build fast, reliable and robust software in both Front-end & Back end.
I like writing articles too because I love teaching others and share my experiences. With writing, I realized how teaching makes you learn more. Here are my posts:
- Phone: +989391981195
- Email: [email protected]
- Github: Aslemammad
- Telegram: Aslemammad
- LinkedIn: M. Bagher Abiat
- Location: Ahvaz, Iran
- Birth: 15/02/2004
- Empathy
- Teamwork
- Problem Solving
- HTML/CSS/JS + Typescript
- ReactJS
- FC Components | Hooks
- NextJS | AfterJS
- Jest | Testing library
- Tailwind | React-bootstrap | MaterialUI
- Webpack | Rollup
- Graphql | RestApi
- MongoDB
- NodeJS | Deno
- Express | Fastify
- Mongoose
- googleapis
- Golang
- Gqlgen
- Mongo-driver
- jwt-go
- Go test/benchmarks
- Gnu/linux | Git | Vim
- Algorithms and Data structures
- English
- Arabic
- Persian
A 10x faster NextJS replacemnet, based on esbuild/vite. It supports the build-on-fly paradigm, so you don't need to wait for your builds.
As a maintainer of jotai, the reason I use jotai is the atomic state model and the in-component state updates, That's why jotai is performant.
- Ghost Primitive, flexible state management for React
- Passed 40000/Week downloads
That's why I keep telling people they should care about contributing; I even made a post about that in my blog. With contributing to jotai, I learned about micro-tasks, promise underhood, better bundling, react-query and even a little bit about immerjs. Contributing to such a project made me into Poimandres, A lovely group of enthusiasts and talented people.
- Valtio makes proxy-state simple for React and Vanilla
- Fast & easy
When it comes to proxies, everything changes, such a beautiful concept in javascript, we created a small library that allows you to count on mutating instead of setState lines. I explored Reflect global object, proxies and promise batching. I even made an eslint plugin for this library, and it took me into the eslint plugins world.
- React useContextSelector hook in userland
- A faster React context
I learned where to use useMemo, and other React memoization utils, they are great utils but dangerous sometimes.
- react-spring is a spring-physics based animation library that should cover
Here's my new open source goal which I contributed to it lately and I'll work on it more later.
- React package to Improve your hooks and React context, So have bettter state management
- Passed 1000/Week downloads
- Type strict
In my first ever library, I was inspired by one of Kent's articles and made it. You'll achieve better performance with contextism. I learned Rollup and more about React in this little library; it was one of the most incredible journeys.
- We don't have strong emoji picker for our OS, So I built Xmoji for Win/linux with React/Electron
- Strong, Fast, Customizable
Made my typescript stronger, solved many needs and learned how to create good electron apps.
- My own SSG Blog for sharing knowledge.
With blogs like this, I found out how amazing next can be. I learned more about Tailwind in this project and even made my light-house and SEO knowledge stronger.
Seritaa Front-end
- A web app for taking plans, consultations and... from doctors.
I learned about new libraries like MobX and MobX-State-tree, and technologies like CSS-modules. We went through the URL queries problems, faced them, and we solved them with some advice from KentcDodds about URL queries and how to watch them. We struggled through the directories structures, there were problems, but we learned things about better structures. I helped move the project from getInitialProps
to getServerSideProps
, so we reached better security, better performance, and better DX (developer-expreience). Here, I realized that we have to work with a team, everything gets better, more productive, great result and we'll get more friends.
Fiction Back-end coming soon
- Share your products, see products, buy and download them.
I got familiar with unique patterns like controllers and services in nodejs, they had some trade-offs in DX, because I had to move things sometimes, but they were great and structural. The most amazing thing I was so excited for, at the time, it was typescript, I wrote the whole project with typescript, so I knew what I was doing and what I want. I was lucky for this too, because I had great Front-end team for the project.
BoraBora Front-end
- Studio BoraBora is your creative technology studio specialized in experiential real-time installations.
Here where I managed how to learn multiple new stuff at the same time and put them in one project. Working with Florian and his team was a great experience, they helped me with finding my new interest, react-three-fiber and threejs, which I'd love to dig into it, work on it and share my experience with it.