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Need help with drapes

10 years ago
Attached is a photo of the window wall of our rental which overlooks a golf course, hence the architect's use of large windows. Both windows are sliders with the fixed half on the left. The space between the left window and the fridge (which must open right to left) is 21". Space between the two windows is 19". Space between the right window and the right angle wall is 31". Space above windows up to ceiling is 12.5" My dilemma is how to hang black-out curtains/drapes at these windows (morning sun, privacy) without creating a problem accessing the fridge or looking unbalanced when drapes are opened. I want something fairly simple--such as fabric with large grommets, on a rod--and something that can be pushed aside and not blowing in the wind when completely or partially open. Obviously, it would have been preferable to have the left slider slide left and the right slider slide right, but this is what I'm stuck with. Thanks for any suggestions.

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