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Salt water spa vs ozone

3 years ago

I'm trying to buy a hot tub (~250 gallons), and i'm stuck between choosing salt water vs ozone. Most of the reviews and information I find about salt water is from 10+ years ago and the dealer says the technology has changed a lot since then. Right now they work out to about the same price. Also, most of the reviews are biased. I have yet to actually come across a salt spa user that has experienced much in the way of corrosion. I don't know if it's cause it doesn't happen as often as the competitors say it does, or just that it's not as popular an option. There is plenty of info about salt water pools. I'm not interested in that.

I do want something with proven technology, but the salt water dealer's customer service was SO GOOD that I want to buy from them! But obviously I don't want an expensive experiment.


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