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Gunite pool northeast with auto cover, spa or no spa?

4 years ago

We are about to sign the contract to build a 40x20 Gunite pool. We are definitely are doing an auto cover for safety as we have 3 kids under 7. Because of the auto cover we are deciding to put a spa in the shallow end corner of the pool level so the cover can close over the spa as well. Do we trade some shallow end area to have the spa with some some spill over? I could see the wife and kids really using it but I’m not a huge hot tub person unless it’s in the winter when the pool is closed. Thoughts? Also we are thinking of having a bench along one of the long sides of the pool, any experience suggestions on this? It would be a nice seat/bench but I worry about kids jumping in the pool over the bench. Thanks in advance for the comments.

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