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Help with Island Pendant Lighting - PB Flynn Oversized Pendants

6 years ago

Hi there! I'm in need of help with proper placement and number of Pottery Barn Flynn Oversized Pendants above our new construction island. The island will be 10' x 4' and our construction plans currently have electrical for 2 pendants (we still have time to change this to 3 when we do electrical walk-through). I changed my mind after seeing so many photos on Houzz with 3 pendants over larger islands, so I purchased 3 of the Pottery Barn Flynn Oversized Pendants (got a great deal at $100 off a piece!). Well, they arrived, and are even huger than I imagined! I love them, but now am second guessing my decision to do 3. Attached is a photo of the pendant, as well as a few mock-ups I did to give me an idea on spacing/quantity. There seem to be multiple opinions out there on how much space to leave from the edge of the island and in between each pendant, so I didn't know what would look best. For reference, the pendants measure 17" in diameter by 24" high. We have 9'4" ceilings. I'm also attaching a rendering of the planned kitchen (the hood will be white, not wood as shown). Thoughts?

Thanks in advance!


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