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Heating and Cooling an unused 2nd floor on separate heat pump

6 years ago

We have a new two-story house in coastal NC, with a separate electric heat pump and air handler for each floor. The 2nd floor is all guest bedrooms so we rarely use it. In the summer I just left that heat pump off. Now that we're heating, how should I run the upstairs?
A - Leave it off? The central stairs in the house allow heated air to rise up there and the uninsulated floors likely aren't keeping all the heat on the 1st floor. So far, the upstairs is trailing the downstairs by about 5 degrees. Makes the 1st floor heat pump work too hard?
B - Set it lower. I don't see much benefit to this.
C - Mimic the 1st floor thermostat. Hate to pay to heat the 2nd floor but it might just be the better option.
D - Stagger them. If the 2nd floor heats 30 minutes before the 1st floor, maybe the 1st floor heat pump will have less work to do? This only works for scheduled events. They'll work independently after that.

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