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Small Pool With Spa or Larger Pool With No Spa

11 years ago

I am the MOST indecisive person on the face of the Earth. We are looking to install a pool - we have met with A&S and Platinum and will more than likely be going with Platinum (live south of Houston). We are on a budget as we recently bought our home and are renovating it with our savings (no loan). I am trying to keep our costs around the $40K mark, which brings me to my question. We can get a smaller pool with a spa (30 x 20), but have to sacrifice decking (just brushed concrete) and of course the size of the pool. We would have the added expense of having a propane tank put in (rural area). If we go without the spa, we could get a substantially larger pool (not exactly sure how much larger) and go with the koolcrete cool decking. Do any of you have not have a spa and not regret it? My husband's genius idea is that if we ever want a spa, we can just get a Morgan Spa. Won't look the prettiest, but we are in the country and not overly concerned with the aesthetics...Thank you for your input!

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