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Leather wallet - I think! Can anyone tell me more about it?

11 years ago

Hi all

My first post! I have this item and wondered if anyone knows anything about it.... I have had it 15-20 years and really cannot remember where I got it from. I'm not even entirely sure what it is. I'm pretty sure it is leather but I'm not certain on that either.

My guess is that it is some kind of wallet/purse.

I wondered if anyone has ever seen anything like it, whether anyone can tell me anthing about it, and whether it has any worth.

Apologies in advance if it is not an antique and/or worthless. = if this is one of those special antique roadshow moments!

I've tried looking for something on similar on the internet but had no luck. That could be because I know so little about it and therefore might not have been using the best seaarch terms....

Many thanks


Some pics can be found here:

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