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Edd Coates

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"); if (firstClick == 0) { $('video').fadeIn(400); } else { $('video').fadeIn(0); } $('.filmreel').addClass('paused'); $('.overlay_media').css('filter', 'brightness(0.5)'); $('.overlay_main').css('width', ''); $('.filmreel').addClass('enabled'); $('.overlay_top-bar').css('top', '11px'); $('.overlay_caption').css('bottom', '5px'); $('video').on('waiting stalled', function() { $('.guidbGallery_loading').fadeIn(10); $('.filmreel').addClass('paused'); $('.overlay_media').css('filter', 'brightness(0.5)'); }); $('video').on('canplaythrough', function() { $('.guidbGallery_loading').fadeOut(0); $('.filmreel').removeClass('paused'); $('.overlay_media').css('filter', 'brightness(1)'); }); } } else { $('#guidbGallery_audio').css('display', 'none'); $('#buttons_image').show(); $('#buttons_video').hide(); var widthStyle = ""; if (imageGallery[thisGalleryID] && imageGallery[thisGalleryID][currentImageIndex] && imageGallery[thisGalleryID][currentImageIndex].annotations) { if (imageGallery[thisGalleryID][currentImageIndex].annotations.length === 0) { widthStyle = "max-width: 100%; "; } else { widthStyle = "max-width: fit-content; "; } } var thumb = imageGallery[thisGalleryID][currentImageIndex].URL.replace(".jpg", "_thumb.jpg"); $('.overlay_main').html("
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zoomReset(); return; } if (mousemove == 2) { if (movedX <= -30) { slideRight(); } else if (movedX >= 30) { slideLeft(); } else { slideReset(); } } if (mousemove == 3) { if (movedY <= -120) { slideUp(); } else if (movedY >= 120) { slideDown(); } else { slideReset(); } $(".guidbGallery_overlay").animate({ opacity: '0.95' }, { duration: 200 }); } mousemove = 0; galleryTarget.css('cursor', 'grab'); }); function calculateDistance(touches) { let touch1 = touches[0]; let touch2 = touches[1]; return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(touch1.pageX - touch2.pageX, 2) + Math.pow(touch1.pageY - touch2.pageY, 2)); } function calculateAngle(touches) { let touch1 = touches[0]; let touch2 = touches[1]; return Math.atan2(touch2.pageY - touch1.pageY, touch2.pageX - touch1.pageX) * 180 / Math.PI; } function zoomReset() { if ($('.overlay_main').find('video').length > 0) { var img = $('.overlay_main div .overlay_video'); } else { var img = $('.overlay_main div .image_final'); } img.css('transition', 'transform 0.2s ease-out'); 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$('.overlay_caption').hide(); currentDistance = mouseposY; $(".guidbGallery_mediaall").css('top', currentDistance); if (currentDistance > 0) { $(".guidbGallery_overlay").css('opacity', 0.95 - (currentDistance / 1000)); } else { $(".guidbGallery_overlay").css('opacity', 0.95 + (currentDistance / 1000)); } } function panHorizontal(mouseposX) { var dampingFactor = 0.9; currentDistance = mouseposX * dampingFactor; $(".guidbGallery_mediaall").css('left', currentDistance + 'px'); if ($('.overlay_main').find('video').length > 0) { $('.overlay_main').find('video').get(0).pause(); } } var slideTime = 220; function slideRight() { $(".guidbGallery_mediaall").stop(true, true); $(".guidbGallery_mediaall").animate({ left: '-100%' }, { duration: slideTime, easing: "swing", complete: function() { if (currentImageIndex == (imageGallery[thisGalleryID].length - 1)) { currentImageIndex = 0; } else { currentImageIndex++; } $('.overlay_left').removeClass('overlay_left').addClass('overlay_2'); $('.overlay_main').removeClass('overlay_main').addClass('overlay_1'); $('.overlay_right').removeClass('overlay_right').addClass('overlay_main'); $('.overlay_1').removeClass('overlay_1').addClass('overlay_left'); $('.overlay_2').removeClass('overlay_2').addClass('overlay_right'); updateGallery(); $(".guidbGallery_mediaall").css({ left: '0px' }); $(".guidbGallery_mediaall").stop(true, true); } }); } function slideLeft() { $(".guidbGallery_mediaall").stop(true, true); $(".guidbGallery_mediaall").animate({ left: '100%' }, { duration: slideTime, easing: "swing", complete: function() { if (currentImageIndex == 0) { currentImageIndex = imageGallery[thisGalleryID].length - 1; } else { currentImageIndex--; } $('.overlay_right').removeClass('overlay_right').addClass('overlay_2'); $('.overlay_main').removeClass('overlay_main').addClass('overlay_1'); $('.overlay_left').removeClass('overlay_left').addClass('overlay_main'); $('.overlay_1').removeClass('overlay_1').addClass('overlay_left'); $('.overlay_2').removeClass('overlay_2').addClass('overlay_right'); updateGallery(); 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$('.overlay_main').css('width', ''); } else { $('div[id="ocr"]').remove(); $('.overlay_main').append("
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} $('#guidbGallery_clipboard').click(async function() { const $img = $('.overlay_main .image_final'); const img = $img.get(0); const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); const imgElement = new Image(); imgElement.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous'; imgElement.src = img.src; imgElement.onload = async function() { canvas.width = imgElement.width; canvas.height = imgElement.height; ctx.drawImage(imgElement, 0, 0); canvas.toBlob(async function(blob) { try { const data = [new ClipboardItem({ 'image/png': blob })]; await navigator.clipboard.write(data); } catch (err) { console.error('Failed to copy image: ', err); } }, 'image/png'); }; imgElement.onerror = function() { console.error('Failed to load the image for copying.'); }; }); $('#guidbGallery_videoclipboard').click(async function() { let video; if (inspectorView == 1) { const iframe = document.getElementById('inspectorImage'); const iframeDocument = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document; video = iframeDocument.querySelector('video'); } else { const $video = $('.overlay_main video'); video = $video.get(0); } if (video) { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); canvas.width = video.videoWidth; canvas.height = video.videoHeight; ctx.drawImage(video, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); canvas.toBlob(async function(blob) { try { const data = [new ClipboardItem({ 'image/png': blob })]; await navigator.clipboard.write(data); } catch (err) { console.error('Failed to copy video frame: ', err); } }, 'image/png'); } else { console.error('Video element not found.'); } }); function playVideo() { $('video').prop('muted', true); $('video').get(0).play(); } window.addEventListener("orientationchange", function() { window.scrollTo(0, 0); if ((window.orientation === 90) || (window.orientation === -90)) { $('#test').html('Landscape'); } else { $('#test').html('Portrait'); } }, false); var audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(); function playPopcornSound(maxY) { if ($("input[name='gallery_visualizer']:checked").val() != 'audienceFilter') { return; } fetch('img/throw.wav') .then(response => response.arrayBuffer()) .then(arrayBuffer => audioCtx.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer)) .then(audioBuffer => { var source = audioCtx.createBufferSource(); source.buffer = audioBuffer; var playbackRate = 0 + (maxY / 1000) * 2; source.playbackRate.value = playbackRate; source.connect(audioCtx.destination); source.start(0); }) .catch(e => console.error(e)); } $(document).keydown(function(e) { if ($("input[name='gallery_visualizer']:checked").val() != 'audienceFilter') { return; } if (e.key === "u" || e.key === "U") { var startX = Math.random() * $(window).width(); var randX = (startX < ($(window).width() / 3)) ? -200 : 200; var endX = startX + (Math.random() * 200 - randX); var controlX = (startX + endX) / 2; var maxY = ($(window).height() / 2) + (Math.random() * 700 - 50); var startRotation = Math.random() * 360; playPopcornSound(maxY); var img = $("", { src: "img/popcorn.png", class: "popcorn", css: { position: 'absolute', bottom: 0, left: startX, transform: 'rotate(' + startRotation + 'deg)' } }).appendTo("#overlay_container_inner"); $({counter: 0}).animate({counter: 1}, { duration: 1000, step: function(t) { var x = (1-t)*(1-t)*startX + 2*(1-t)*t*controlX + t*t*endX; var y = (1-t)*(1-t)*0 + 2*(1-t)*t*maxY + t*t*0; img.css({ left: x, bottom: y, transform: 'rotate(' + startRotation + 'deg) scale(' + (1 - t) + ')' }); }, complete: function() { img.remove(); } }); } }); $(document).keydown(function(e) { if ($("input[name='gallery_visualizer']:checked").val() != 'audienceFilter') { return; } if (e.key === "l" || e.key === "L") { var startX = Math.random() * $(window).width(); var img = $("", { src: "img/heart.png", class: "heart", css: { position: 'absolute', bottom: 0, left: startX } }).appendTo("#overlay_container_inner"); $({counter: 0}).animate({counter: 1}, { duration: 2000, step: function(t) { var y = $(window).height() * t; var oscillation = 10 * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * t * 3); var scale = 0.7 - t; img.css({ bottom: y, left: startX + oscillation, opacity: 1 - t, transform: 'scale(' + scale + ')' }); }, complete: function() { img.remove(); } }); } });