Home Blog About the Floret Library
April 20th 2023

About the Floret Library

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When I was first starting on my flower journey, finding information about different cut flower varieties was nearly impossible to come by. The little information that was available was limited to a handful of books, catalogs, and a few online chat rooms. 

As my passion and curiosity quickly outgrew the resources available, I started to experiment on my own. I applied for several growers’ grants in order to get funding to conduct in-depth variety trials on our small farm.

The first grants I received focused on trialing ornamental grasses and rose hips as cut flower material. From there, I expanded into celosias, ornamental peppers, different types of foliage and fillers—the list goes on and on.  

Erin Benakein taking notes in the greenhouseAn overhead of bunches of ornamental peppersOne of the requirements for grant funding was that I define my project goals from the start and outline the criteria that each variety would be measured against.

Erin Benzakein taking notes in the studio with bunches of carnations in front of herThroughout the season, I kept detailed notes and records that eventually were included in my trial reports.

I shared my findings through numerous trade publications, including The Cut Flower Quarterly, and eventually took over writing the monthly flower column for Growing for Market magazine.

While I was deep in the process of learning how to conduct on-farm experiments and finding my voice as a writer, Chris was simultaneously teaching himself photography so that I could include pictures along with my findings.

Together we set out to capture and share both the magic of the flowers growing on our farm and everything we were learning along the way. 

Since those early days, I have grown and tested thousands of different varieties, including annuals, perennials, biennials, bulbs, trees, shrubs, and vines, collecting detailed observation notes and photographs of them both in the garden and in the vase.

Every variety that I’ve trialed has been measured against a strict set of grading criteria, including overall plant health, vigor, stem length, beautiful coloring, a long vase life, and fragrance whenever possible. 

I had no idea when I started down this path that it would eventually become an entire library of work.

For many years now I have wanted to find a way to compile all of my findings and Chris’s beautiful photographs so that they could be shared with the world. 

This spring, after nearly a year of behind-the-scenes work, including compiling, organizing, cataloging, classifying, fact-checking, copyediting, testing, and a thousand other tiny details, the Floret Library was finally born. The amount of collective effort that has been poured into this project is unfathomable!

A huge thank you to Chris for his beautiful photographs, Jill for all the help with the words, and our creative director Laura for championing this massive project—it never would have been possible without her love and care.

And a special thank you to Elora for spending an entire summer fact-checking, Jes for building us the library of our dreams, and Melissa, for the countless hours she poured into making sure every detail was just right. 

An overhead of Sweet Pea blooms in an assortment of colorsI am so excited to finally be able to share the Floret Library with you. This comprehensive, digital library of flowers is available to anyone, anywhere in the world to use for free.

The library includes more than 1,500 unique cut flower varieties that have all been grown and tested here on our farm. 

While we’ve tried to document every flower that is featured in the library as thoroughly as possible, you’ll notice that some varieties have more information and photos than others. When putting the library together we decided to go ahead and include all of the varieties in our records and plan to add to those that are light on information in the future.  

Each flower’s profile has been created based on how they perform in our Pacific Northwest climate. Growers in other locations may have different experiences, especially when it comes to days to maturity and height, but the information provided here should be a great place to start.

Each variety profile includes a detailed description of the plant’s characteristics, beautiful photographs, growing tips and tricks, and harvesting and vase life information. 

You can search the library in a number of different ways—by plant collection, by color, by form, or by special features.

So you can do a deep dive into a specific group of plants like dahlias or chrysanthemums, or you can look at the entire library and filter based on your own set of criteria. 

For example, if you’re a farmer planning what flowers to grow for your florist clients, you can filter by a desired color such as white, green, or blush/champagne. Or if you’re wanting to attract more pollinators into your garden, you can see what varieties they love the most.

If you don’t have any ground to grow in, you can also filter the varieties by which ones are suitable for container growing.

An overhead of Floret Library planning cards and sheetsBut the best feature of all is that the entire library is printable! If you’re a visual learner or a paper person like I am, this is going to be a game changer for you.

You can choose to print an entire group of plants, such as peonies, as a full set of planning cards, or you can narrow your selections by color, or another feature, and print only those. The planning cards include a beautiful color photograph and the full variety name.

These cards can be cut out and used for garden planning or wedding and event design. 

An overhead of Floret Library planning cardsIf you want to do a deeper dive into a variety, you can print its full planning sheet that includes multiple photographs, a full description, growing tips and tricks, plus harvesting and vase life information. 

For a virtual tour of the library, including instructions for how to utilize the refine by and print features, be sure to visit the “How to Use the Library” page to watch some helpful tutorial videos. 

We’ve also updated and expanded my favorite sources for seeds, perennials, shrubs, trees, bulbs, and dahlia tubers.

These favorite source lists include what I love about each company and what they specialize in.  

We have poured years of collective effort into the Floret Library and it is our gift to the world.

While we have made this information available to use for free, just a reminder that all of the words and images contained within the library are protected under copyright and it is actually illegal to duplicate or plagiarize this information.

If you see anyone using this material, please let us know. 

While we’ve tried our very best to ensure that all of the information and photographs are accurate, we will inevitably uncover some mistakes. If you see something that is incorrect or inaccurate, we would love to hear from you.

The beauty of the library being digital is that it can be expanded and updated as it evolves. My intention is that one day it will become the largest catalog of its kind, one that will keep expanding as I make new discoveries. 

My hope is that the Floret Library will open up a whole new world of possibilities and help you discover new varieties to add to your garden. By shining a spotlight on these treasured varieties and the specialty nurseries that grow them, we can ensure that they are grown and preserved for future generations. 

I hope you enjoy it! 

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  1. Sonya on

    Wow! What a gift – thank you!!!

  2. Michaele Thunen on

    I would like to request that you somehow put a price on a printed version of the entire library, or even by sections or variety. I have tried to print from my computer to my printer and the color is always off considerably. So I have had trouble being able to choose the actual colors provided by my printer. If I look on my computer, I can see a much more realistic version of the flower, but what I would like to do is be able to combine bouquets in a monochromatic way….varying the tones just slightly. I am having trouble doing that from the photos I have printed out myself. HELP!!!! I definitely would be willing to pay to have a printed version from your photos and printing, in order to make my binder illustrate the variations in color found in, for instance my Dahlia collection, which I have been in the process of planting. I am certain there are others who would love a copy produced by your beautiful photographs. Thanks for your consideration.

  3. Christine on

    Wow, what an amazing resource you’ve given the world! This an astounding amount of work that I love being able to use. I have been gardening for a long time but still feel like a beginner as there is so much to learn from others. Reading and learning about new plants gives me the same joy as planting them does. It’s exciting to try new flowers! Thank for all the hard work you and you team have put into Floret.

  4. Sandy on

    Thank you so much for this incredibly generous resource. One small suggestion: Remove the word “finding” from the first sentence.

  5. Patricia M on

    This is incredible! So thoughtful, so helpful, so generous.
    And, super grateful that everything is printable!

    I cannot adequately express my appreciation for the thoughtful way in which you designed the library and for all the hours and love that went into this project.

    Forever in your debt,

  6. Heather Playfoot on

    What a beautiful and generous gift to the world. Long may your legacy last. Thank you so much Erin and the Floret team.

  7. Catherine Stewart on

    I am left speechless after reading this. The level of generosity is beyond my wildest imagination. The Floret Library is an unbelievably invaluable tools for all of us. I am SO excited to dive in and learn more about all the beauties in my garden and also dream about all those that will grace our presence in the years to come. Thank you Erin and the entire team for creating this treasure and sending it out into the world. I know I will love it, as will the rest of humanity. Flowers are magical…………….

  8. Eva on

    This is wonderful. Thanks for growing knowledge for us all.

  9. Ellen on

    You are such an inspiration and such a wonderful teacher!! I learn something from every single one of your videos and I just love the scenery of your beautiful gardens.
    Thank you!
    Ellen Atkins

  10. Lori Manuel on

    You are so full of positivity and I love learning about new dahlias and new flowers in general…

  11. Renee on

    You are so energetic and it is obvious you LOVE what you do. You are an inspiration to all of us amateurs that also love flowers ❤️.

  12. April Abreu on

    Our family was so inspired by season one of Floret. We’ve started growing our own flowers and share that love of growing and learning with the people around us. We can’t wait for season 2!

  13. Shannan on

    What an amazing resource! May 23rd is my birthday and I look forward to celebrating by watching Season 2 and soaking in more inspiration 💕

  14. Pauline McPherson on

    Your generosity is astounding. Just know that it will be invaluablein getting our little Community flower farm hosted by our local Church up and running. Thankyou, from everyone it will bless.

  15. Stacy Wilson on

    You are absolutely inspiring! 🌾🌸. Thank you for sharing your world with all of us. Such a blessing.

  16. Amber on

    Your flowers are so beautiful. I am just now starting a small cut flower garden beside my barn, and you’ve given me so much inspiration.

  17. Jessica Noble on

    What’s not to love!💛 There are so many things that excite me about your show, your books and if I were honest your printables. Yes, you read that correctly. I have an entire notebook for all things Floret. I have learned so much over the years of following you. Thank you for sharing your experiences and detailed knowledge! I look forward to seeing your excitement for details pertaining to all things that grow.

  18. Teresa Harrer on

    Love your dahlias, your farm and your story!! 🌸🌸🌸

  19. Kami Cox on

    I loved season one watched it several times!! Been looking for season 2 to come out!!! Thank you for sharing so much with all of us!! I love the Zinnias I think the most. Hard to pick! I feel like a kid in a candy store seeing all the beautiful flowers!

  20. Kathy Schreck on

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful dahlias with us, Erin. Best of luck to everyone. 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

  21. Mary McClain on

    I am looking forward to what you are growing. My family thoroughly enjoyed last season!

  22. Pat from Georgia on

    I am most excited about the wealth of knowledge based on your experiences and information available in the library. There’s no excuse today for lack of information in the gardening world. Thank you for your efforts in broadening our virtual horizons. My phone has become one of my most valuable gardening tools. If in doubt, look it up… in the garden right on the spot! Thank you!

  23. Marit on

    I love what you are doing by inspiring the world through the beauty of flowers! I have a personal mantra of “Beauty Matters” and it does! I look for opportunities to see and share beauty wherever I find myself and I am encouraged by your books, photos, lessons, posts, lessons and videos. I currently have a little roadside flower stand on an island in the PNW that helps me spread the flower love to my community❤️🌺Thank you!

  24. Kaia on

    I am inspired by you! 💐

  25. Sue Rosenfield on

    Every time there is new information be it a giveaway, new photos, a helpful video, the series, the new workshop material, or an insta post, my heart does a little happy anxiety dance. I can’t get enough. And I have to pace myself and my bursts of joy. Thank you to ALL of you for making these things happen. I can’t wait till my garden blooms and I get to take my own pics and cut my dahlias again. We need more room and dahlias! Xoxo Sue from Rosenfield Flowers.

  26. Corrina Tinney on

    I love your work so much. Thanks for doing this giveaway.

  27. Susan Harrison on

    What an incredible gift your library is to all of us flower lovers !! Thank you .
    Susan Harrison

  28. Kristi H on

    I love your blog and your passion for your flowers and all the beautiful colors of Dahlia’s. Besides enjoying all your flowers I also learn something from your knowledge of gardening, can’t wait to see what you do next 🌸!
    Kristi in Fla

  29. Debbie on

    I could listen to you all day! Your love of flowers shows through and your knowledge is impressive!

  30. Robin Broyles on

    What a beautiful farm and business you have created! Thanks for sharing all of your knowledge.

  31. Brooke on

    This is so incredible! What a beautiful dream and such a great source of information for both seasoned gardeners and beginners. I hope to learn more and someday have a garden even a fraction as lovely as this!

  32. Darlene on

    One of your earliest followers! You’ve grown along with your business – a joy to experience!

  33. Karen Eberbach on

    It has been amazing to watch how your business has grown. Every thing is just so beautiful

  34. Frances E Triplett on

    Would jump for joy if I had all those Exquisite Dahlia Tubers.
    I have all of your books and love and learn from them.
    Excited to see what you have for season 2.
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful gift 💐🌻🫶

  35. Brenda on

    You make the dream of a flower farm look possible! Thank You!!

  36. Carmen Ladman on

    I can’t wait to see all the exciting things you will show us on season 2. You are such an inspiration. Thanks you for sharing your passion!

  37. Tammy on

    Beautifully photographed & well written documentation! Love all the colors, shapes & sizes dahlias bring to the design table. Floral designer for 40+ years.

  38. Raquel on

    I love your seeing/reading your posts. So informative and beautiful. Dahlias are one of my all time favorites. Good luck to all.

  39. Nik on

    Having grown up in a third generation flower shop and greenhouse, I’m now learning how to find my own passion and making my own paths playing in the dirt. I hope to make it up to your store soon- thanks for the inspo and making all of this much more approachable!

  40. Sadie on

    This is amazing and so inspiring! Thank you!

  41. Fabiola on

    My dahlia’s are on their second year from seeds. I can’t wait to see what’s next! My dad helped me start them and he passed away in January. I know he’s still helping care for our small flower patch!!

  42. Linda Boyd on

    I think back to when I first started following you it was before you had even started the feels or you bought the land from the people near you. It was so exciting. I remember I thought at first it had something to do with a little flower shop that we used to have in my town because it was named Florett. I feel like you guys have accomplished an awful lot. But just from what I watch I see how much work it is for you guys. But you produce such beautiful work. I wish you continued success!!

  43. Autumn on

    Can’t wait for season 2! To see all the growth and knowledge you share is such a gift. I’ve loved everything I’ve ordered from your farm so far. Thank you!

  44. Denise on

    Love your IG and all the info you share. The most beautiful flowers I have seen.

  45. [email protected] on

    Thank you for all the effort that you have made what a wonderful job you do and sharing it all with those of us that love flowers just so very impressed with what you have done the pictures that you take are amazing also thank you again for sharing your passion with us

  46. Amy on

    You are amazing! Inspired again and again. Thank you for your preservation of so many beautiful buds.

  47. Elaine Kastelberg on

    I was so inspired by Erin’s dahlia book. I used it to guide me as I grew dahlias last year to use in my daughter’s wedding at our farmhouse home in Hanover, Virginia. They were stunning. My youngest daughter moved home from Texas in November and opened her own local flowers floral business. We have ordered so many new tubers and are excited to begin this journey together. We now have all of the Floret books in our home library. Thank you, Erin, for sharing your passion and knowledge with us! You have sparked a new flower journey for us both. Elaine

  48. Kindy Griffeth on

    Five years ago I came across the story of a woman who turned their family farm into a flower farm because her husband was injured and couldn’t work the land anymore. This story lit up my mind because my own father was paralyzed when I was a little girl and my family had to make similar decisions. Something kept telling me that I needed to start a flower farm. So I did. I took Floret’s cut flower course and we are now into our fourth season! I love Erin’s integrity and passion! She is my mentor! Thank you Erin!

  49. Lisa Christenson on

    I love your shows and just listening to the peacefulness and calm that you project even though you have had a difficult journey in reaching your goals to do something that you truly love. Your friends, family and business acquaintances share your experiences which makes the story all the more believable that happiness can be found for all of us. Your flowers bring me such joy even though they don’t last nearly as long in Phoenix Arizona. Please, please keep up the shows and books.

  50. Mashecia Gory on

    I am so in love with this company. Thank you for making this a passion of mine. I love all that you guys do for all the flower loves like myself. I can wait to see what is come in this season.💐💐💐💐💐

  51. Barbara Schafka on

    I love looking at all of these beautiful flowers 💐. Every spring I try to plant more for they make me feel so happy. This year I want to fill my yard with blooms.

  52. Colette Melder on

    I’m so excited to see all your tricks and tips for growing in Skagit Valley!!! It’s the most beautiful place and I love calling it home ❤️

  53. Kim on

    You make growing flowers look so EASY! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and your flowers with us all.

  54. Susan Small on

    Erin you are the flower guru !!! Would LUV to share your dahlias in a new garden dedicated to my mom ❤️ . I’m planning on sharing them with moms I care for in our office in her honor . Then I’ll have more tubers to share with my friends too . You are amazing !!

  55. Kay Haaland on

    Watching you is a great learning experience. I love growing cut flowers especially dahlias with all their shapes and colors. Thank you for sharing all the flower growing information that you do.

  56. Jacqueline Weller on

    It would be amazingly special to receive one of the dahlias collections. I have so enjoyed following your gardening expertise. Your flowers are beautiful!

  57. Lisa Morris on

    Thank you so much for your research and library. What a wonderful resource and for free. Thank you!!
    I would love to receive a package of dahlias.

  58. Cathy Kaz on

    I am so excited and have learned so much

  59. Stacey on

    This is simply amazing! A legacy you are leaving!

  60. Cheryle on

    Love your show. Can’t wait for the new season.

  61. Sahra on

    Can’t wait for the 2nd season! Your work is so inspiring!

  62. Georgina Velasquez on

    I can’t wait for season two!!!! I love your show I think I watched it about 5 times!

  63. Linda Winslow on

    Thrilled to have the opportunity to win. Your videos are so informative. Thank you for all
    Your sharing.

  64. Joanie Wyatt on

    First saw your show and enjoyed so much. So happy you have a season two!

  65. Janet on

    All the dahlias are so gorgeous. Can’t even imagine trying to pick out a favorite. Thanks for sharing them with us. Love following you!

  66. Sherry on

    I have just planted my first dahlia seeds that I purchased from you . Can’t wait to see them grow. Would love some dahlias tubers to plant also.

  67. Kendra Lefler on

    What an extraordinarily generous gift! I love your eye and appreciate your commitment & hard work to bring beauty through growing and teaching others to grow flowers!

  68. Tamara Proehl on

    This excites me!!
    I live in Alaska and I have noticed that the area where I live some people have dahlia. I would like to try and grow a few, then expand. Start small and learn the process. I am a freelance floral designer and would like to grow my own flowers for events if at all possible considering where I live.
    I have bought seeds from your online store before and have not been disappointed.
    Thank you for all your hard work!!

  69. Kathleen on

    You’ve inspired me to be obsessed with dahlias!! I just turned my untouched garden into a dahlia frenzy, adding more every year and trying my best to salvage the bulbs in the fall. I love learning and experimenting from what I read in your books!!

  70. Susan on

    I have never grown dahlias but am anxious to try. Yours are simply stunning! I have 3 daughters who will love them also!

  71. Jacquelyne Barker on

    I discovered Floret on the Magnolia Network & immediately fell in love with what your mission is! Your dedication & hard work along with sharing your journey has been so inspiring. I love dalias & have been intimidated by them. I have a small yard & have grown them in my window boxes & garden beds with minor success. Looking forward to season two & learning new things as well as watching your journey as you grow your dream. You are an inspiration to many. Thankful for the way you share the process❣️

  72. Cecilia S on

    In the past three years I’ve been working on my garden, making it more beautiful and filling it with different flowers. A couple of years ago I discovered Dahlias and right away fell in love with them.
    Thank you for the advice and information that you share with your viewers. You give out beautiful energy!

  73. Lisa eastman on

    Love all the beauty you give the 🌎 world 💐💐💐💐 love the yellow cat too!!!!!

  74. Tanya Goosev on

    It’s been a joy to watch you envision your dreams! I fell in love with your passion when I watched your tv show and have enjoyed following you. I so love your flowers and dahlias are my favorite!

  75. Molly O on

    Amazing variety, very happy about the new season, I enjoyed watching every episode of season 1, so nice and relaxing to watch. Cannot wait for season 2.

  76. Joy on

    What a beautiful story you have! So inspiring! It’s been fun to follow you and learn. Thank you for sharing!

  77. Jan Jee Bean on

    The all-encompassing evolution of your projects and commitment to your vision (as well as your energy and aesthetic sense) are such a pleasure to witness. And such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing so much and so beautifully on Instagram. That’s where I found you. Please enter me in your Dahlia giveaway. Thank you, Jan.

  78. Jean on

    Thank you for your attention to detail and for sharing your expertise. The photos are stunning.

  79. Sharon Bucklin on

    I’m excited to see more about the breeding program. Also I appreciate all the information and in encouragement you give!!!

  80. Paula k on

    What a useful and generous resource. Thank you for sharing all your hard work with us!! It will support keeping our gardens beautiful

  81. Denise on

    Love all that you do to help all of us in the flower world!

  82. Rhea Adkins on

    You have the most beautiful content, but beyond that… you and your team are so incredibly passionate. On of my favorite quotes from you is, “ I win or I learn but I never loose.”… great perspective that has changed the way I view things. Thanks for all that you do to make the world more beautiful. 🌸🌼🌸

  83. Jessie Jo on

    This flower library is going to be a industry changing resource!!! Thank you much for all your hard work on this!

  84. Dawn on

    Your breath of knowledge is outstanding, and your willingness to share in an understandable and very readable way for all of us is a gift. The outstanding photographs give us dreams and possibilities. Thank you.

  85. Kori on

    This is amazing! My daughter introduced me to you and your wonderful flower farm when she gifted me a seed collection. She jump started #gigisbackyardgarden I’ve been following you on IG and am hooked on flower gardening ever since. Your beautiful images, tips, fantastic online tools, books and courses are an endless source of inspiration. I’d be honored to receive a collection to showcase in my garden and to share the beauty you have created.

  86. Sally Jane Kordis on

    I am so excited to watch your next season. You are truly inspiring!

  87. Tecca on

    Thank you, Erin for such a valuable resource!

    Congratulations to all of you.

  88. Patty Ayres on

    I have been so inspired by your videos.
    The dahlia planting information has really been helpful. I’m trying many different plants from your seed collections. Can’t wait to see them all !!!

  89. Carolyn Cruz on

    You have inspired so many to grow flowers. I enjoy all your content and just purchased your book Cut Flower Garden.

  90. Summer mcgregor on

    One of my top five favorite IG accounts. As a florist your flowers and content educate and inspire me!!!
    Hope I win😉

  91. Johanna Reinbolz on

    Your Dahlias were the first reason I started following you. Then came the treasure trove of other flowers that were being born and raised with such love that I knew I was hooked for life! The videos on spring planting, seed starting and more have become a welcome addition for reminders of the the little things I sometimes forget to do that would make my progress so much better. This year I moved my Dahlias into the forefront of my garden so they will have center stage and finally get the credit they deserve!

  92. Kay on

    Love your content and so happy for your give away!

  93. Jill Gunter on

    Excited to enter to win these beauties! I so enjoy your IG account, it brings the joy! The hard work and love you and your team put in shows in everything you do. Thanks for all the education along the way.

  94. Christine Holle on

    Thank you thank you, for sharing everything you have learned and keep on learning about growing flowers you all on the Floret team are amazing,Let’s keep on growing together and make this world a beautiful place one flower at a time ! Christine Holle Anacortes wa

  95. shari on

    you are so talented would love to see your farm someday and have some of your dahlias to grow

  96. Jess Carley on

    I have been growing dahlias at my little house in south seattle for 3 years and am finally going to try pinching this year! Watching you has given me confidence to grow more dahlias on a little urban land! I am also planting them at my parents house on San Juan and slowly planning to make a bug dahlia garden! Thank you!

  97. Kris on

    Thank you for such a valuable resource! I’m inspired!

  98. Danna on

    Watching you has gotten me hooked on Dahlias. I am in Florida and so far mine over wintered in the ground pretty well!

  99. Lori Akins on

    So Excited to be able to have this gift. You are such an inspiration! Thank you so much for sharing your passion!

  100. MCS on

    This is beyond amazing and it is such a gift to the world of flowers and those who love them! Thank you so much as always for being willing to share and teach, I am so grateful.

  101. Marie Manton on

    Erin, you have outdone yourself! Thank you for sharing your wealth of flower knowledge with the world!

  102. Nicky Pine on

    Thank you all for all your work. You already were an inspiration to me. And this gift just tops it !!

  103. Fran Rushing on

    Wow!!! You never stop amazing me and everyone else! Thank you so very much for sharing this openly and for free with the world! YOU GO GIRL!!!

  104. Sharon Ranney on

    Oh my goodness! What a gift! Thank you Erin and Chris and the whole team!

  105. Mary on

    Wow!! Erin, you and your whole team are not only preserving information, but you are changing lives with all the work that you do and share so generously!! I am so glad to have found you guys a few years ago. I share your name and resources constantly so that others can benefit!!

  106. Joan on

    To all of you involved in this great project: thank you for the tremendous effort required to give us all this library of knowledge to use. Your methods, and documentation of every aspect of growing so many species and varieties will be useful for a long time to come.
    Now, you should get growers in several other areas of the country, with different weather and soil conditions, to grow these same plants and record their results. This would end up being a horticultural encyclopedia of growing by seed, bulbs and tubers, and worthy of international recognition.
    Congratulations to all of you👍

  107. Melony on

    Thank you for creating something like this and sharing your knowledge!1

  108. Peyton on

    Thank you! Love looking over all the dahlia varieties I want to grow!!!

  109. Janaye on

    You are amazing. I get so excited when I pour over your books and read every word and ooh and aah over every GORGEOUS flower!!! I’m 16 and I love flowers with a passion! My biggest dream is to work somewhere on a flower farm, and have loads and loads of fragrant blooms right at my fingertips to design into pretty bouquets! Keep up the AMAZING work Erin! You are an inspiration to me, like a lot!! ♥️

  110. Laura on

    This is so wonderful! I hadn’t even read this blog entry yet and just happened to stumble upon the Floret Library a few days ago when I was Googling a variety as I was making changes to my garden plan. It felt like I had found a magic portal!!! Thank you all so very much for the hard work you put into this, and thank you for sharing it! I can’t wait to dive in further and start printing. I’m 100% a visual paper person so I know I’ll be printing soon. :D

  111. Sarah B on

    THIS IS INCREDIBLE! WOW!!! I have been using your website as a reference for several years now, including both your blog posts and the discontinued items that you used to sell, for their superb descriptions, beautiful pictures, and ever-helpful growing information. This is like a flower fantasy-land at my fingertips…. so dangerous… yet so, so appreciated!!! Wow, Erin. You’ve really outdone yourself this time. Brava. And thank you. :)

  112. Theresa Oien on

    Another amazing feat by “Team Floret” and such a valuable resource. Seriously, thank you ALL, for everything you do!!! The planet benefits when Bees and Flowers thrive.

    Happy planting!

    Theresa Oien
    Bellingham, WA

  113. Lorna on

    I was a little bit addicted to already… now I am overcome with <3! Thank you so much for sharing this library with the world! I am so excited to put this resource to work this spring as I plant my flower beds this year. (SE PA – zone 6). Blessings to the Floret family – my heart is full of thankfulness, and happiness!

  114. Anna Kate on

    Wow this is soooooo amazing I almost started squealing with excitement when I saw all that amazing flower information at my finger tips !!! Thank you so much.


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Small Plot: Big Impact

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