photo by Gwênlyn
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Flickr Group Sweepers Not Working
I am one of the administrators for the DSLR Autofocus Groups. For the past sever...
DrLensCap12 hours ago17 replies
[userstyles] "Flickr WideScreen & BigONE"
NEW 2024: Attempt to be more organized for each function/info. Just move ...
decembre3 weeks ago29 replies
Flickr's old photo page option disappeared Help
Hi. I note that in the global settings it appears Flickr has removed the option...
Fat Burns ☮3 weeks ago2 replies
Restore Award Counter in Discussion Threads
Happy days are here again!!!!! Jorge Pintado, a member of the Flickr communit...
Patricia Ware5 weeks ago143 replies
Flickr - GM "Go to User's Shots in this Group (Photo + User's...
NEW 2024: Flickr - Go to User's Shots in this Group (Photo + User's Groups lis...
decembre2 months ago1 replies
Flickr Fixr - Multifeature browser extension for Flickr users
Flickr Fixr Flickr Fixr is a m...
Stig Nygaard2 months ago209 replies
Flikr report generator
Hi, I’d like to create a report from the photos I have on Flickr. They hav...
friendsofgrovefarm2 months ago2 replies
How to display albums on the photostream page?
Hi - I've created albums - and collec...
Robynne Hayward2 months ago3 replies
Story: Flickr Hacks en 2006 was founded by Jim Bumgardner
KrazyDad (aka Jim Bumgardner) founded the Flickr Hacks group in 2006 and it has...
decembre3 months ago0 replies
Flickr Size Pickr öffnet bei jedem neuen Bild die Windows Fotoanzeige
Seit heute 22.10.2024 geht Flickr Size Pickr wieder mit der rechten Maustaste. B...
b.745 months ago1 replies
FlickR have Bounty Program!
FlickR have Bounty Program! Its' old: launched in Nov 2018 I never heard a...
decembre5 months ago0 replies
Flickr's New Photo Page
It seems that a number of the greasemonkey scripts I use no longer work on flick...
shadinsb7 months ago211 replies
What is te problem here?
We can't add that to the group because it's either already in the group, is in t...
spelio9 months ago1 replies
Broken or Working Apps since the last Flickr Change ....
I Build an Usertyles to help us to know which Application work or not since all...
decembre12 months ago4 replies
Find the original poster of a link like ...
Because i needed to find the original poster of a Flickr Photo with a link like:...
decembre12 months ago6 replies
GM script: Flickr Cross-Recommendations
Adds a "People who faved this also faved..." panel to photo pages on Flickr. You...
rhetorical place16 months ago68 replies
Less views than normal...
HELP... Since last weekend I have been posting about 15 photos... 2, 3 or 4 a...
SusanWho416 months ago1 replies
Has anyone been able to? I have not been able to write testimonials on profiles ...
Pleasant Robot18 months ago1 replies
Award counter available
I know nothing about codes or how to write them but some years ago I paid for a ...
Tony / Guy@Fawkes18 months ago1 replies
Could someone suggests a "sweeper" program to my groups. I've been using one ...
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