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Executive Nurse Leadership Academy

Executive Nurse Leadership Academy Class of 2025 

September 17-19, 2024 | FHCA Education and Training Center
Tallahassee, FL

FHCA's Executive Nurse Leadership Academy (ENLA) is a program designed to support and enhance the knowledge of the registered nurse executive. This academy includes a three-day kick-off event at the FHCA Training and Education Center in Tallahassee, informative webinars and Zoom meetings and a final project for completion. Continuing Education Credits will be available (up to 18 hours) for this program. Ideal candidates will be Directors of Nursing (DON) and Assistant Directors of Nursing (ADON) or supervisor nurses on the career path of a DON or ADON. Other RN licensed nurses holding senior leadership positions are also eligible to apply. ENLA is limited to 30 class participants, who are selected annually by an Academy Selection Committee.


Candidates must be currently employed by an FHCA member nursing center (in good standing) and have been employed for at least 12 consecutive months in an FHCA member nursing center or centers (combined employment at various FHCA member nursing centers must equal at least 12 consecutive months). Candidates must have the approval and support of their administrator to complete the program prior to applying. Applications are scored by a panel of judges, and those accepted will be notified in writing through their administrator.

There is no registration or enrollment cost to participate in the FHCA Executive Nurse Leadership Academy. Participants are responsible for all other expenses associated with their participation, including hotel and travel expenses related to the program.


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