RIDOT Constituent Services

Pothole Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is responsible for the maintenance of sidewalks on State roads?

The care and maintenance of sidewalks (including those along State maintained roadways) is the responsibility of the corresponding municipality. RIDOT maintenance responsibilities fall between curb to curb of the roadway. RIDOT will maintain state owned assets (such as catch basins) located within sidewalks. However, it is up to each municipality to maintain the surface and structure of sidewalks. Under State Statute (see below) maintenance and repair of sidewalks is the responsibility of the municipality, including keeping them clear of debris and brush.

For more information please see State Statute: Title 24 "Highways"

I need my street swept, do I call someone?

You can find a full schedule for our sweeping operations here. To find out when your street will be swept, select the corresponding district map and refer to key in the bottom right corner of the map. Sweeping operations are dependent on availability of equipment and staff, so the time frames provided may slightly vary.

As a general rule, RIDOT sweeps state roads once a year.

I need to report a traffic light that is not working correctly

To report a traffic signal that is not functioning correctly, please call or email us directly at 401-222-2450 or [email protected]. We will dispatch a traffic crew to look into the matter as soon as possible. Our Customer Service staff is available weekdays from 8:30am - 4:00pm to assist you. If this is an after-hours emergency, please call our Traffic Management Center at 401-222-2378.

Many times, with old traffic lights, the "loop" which is the wiring underneath is worn and not functioning correctly. Other times, the light may be dependent on sensing traffic and that can be adjusted as well.

My street is in terrible shape, when will RIDOT fix it?

You can find our street resurfacing project schedule in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The STIP is a comprehensive 10-year plan of transportation projects that the State of Rhode Island intends to implement. This list is comprised of roadways and bridges submitted to the State Planning Council by all municipalities throughout Rhode Island. To see if your roadway is currently included in the STIP, click here. The STIP is frequently monitored and amended as needed. Projects are addressed in order of need and are subject to change.

If your roadway is not listed in the STIP, you may contact your municipality to request that they submit it to the State Planning Council for consideration.

Who is responsible for the overgrown brush on sidewalks, including weeds?

The care and maintenance of sidewalks (including those along State maintained roadways) is the responsibility of the corresponding municipality. RIDOT maintenance responsibilities fall between curb to curb of the roadway. RIDOT will maintain state owned assets (such as catch basins) located within sidewalks. However, it is up to each municipality to maintain the surface and structure of sidewalks. Under State Statute (see below) maintenance and repair of sidewalks is the responsibility of the municipality, including keeping them clear of debris and brush.

For more information please see State Statute: Title 24 "Highways"

How do I get a sidewalk fixed in my neighborhood?

The care and maintenance of sidewalks (including those along State maintained roadways) is the responsibility of the corresponding municipality. RIDOT maintenance responsibilities fall between curb to curb of the roadway. RIDOT will maintain state owned assets (such as catch basins) located within sidewalks. However, it is up to each municipality to maintain the surface and structure of sidewalks.

How do I get a new cross walk/traffic signal for my neighborhood?

This request would first need to be submitted to the State Traffic Commission. The STC reviews requests for traffic control devices such as stop signs, traffic signals and roundabouts. The Commission also reviews other traffic and safety initiatives such as crosswalks, speed limit changes, and striping changes. All requests for the STC must be submitted from either the local municipality or an elected official.

Is it possible to change the configuration of a road if it impedes my ability to get into my property?

Property owners looking to alter the current State Highway Right-of Way can view the Physical Alteration Permit Application (PAPA) by clicking on the links in the Apply for Permit box here.

Can I have access to RIDOT traffic cameras?

Our cameras operate on a live feed only. They do not store or record any data.

How does RIDOT decide which bridges and roads to fix first? Shouldn't the worst ones be done first?

For a project to be considered, it would first need to be submitted to Statewide Planning for TIP consideration. The STIP is a list of transportation projects the State of Rhode Island intends to implement using United States Department of Transportation funds. For a transportation project to utilize federal funds it must be included in the STIP. The STIP is the product of extensive data analysis coupled with significant outreach efforts to municipalities, public interest groups, and citizens throughout the state. Additional details on Statewide Planning can be viewed on their page here.

Are RIDOT employees allowed to park at fast food places, I see them there.

RIDOT workers, like all workers in both the public and private sector, are entitled to work breaks. RIDOT has about 250 maintenance people who are doing the work of 600 maintenance people which is the number we used to have. They are constantly on the road as are our inspectors, project managers, and even management. They are entitled to breaks to get coffee or eat lunch and use a restroom.

Who controls the Newport and Mount Hope bridges?

In addition to the Newport and Mt. Hope bridges, the Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority also has jurisdiction over the Jamestown and Sakonnet River bridges. Visit their website here.

How can I find out information on a construction project?

We have a page dedicated to our feature projects available here.

Or if you are looking for detours or other travel advisories you can find that information on our Traveler Information page.

How do I file a claim for damage to my car from driving on a state road?

If you believe your vehicle was damaged while driving on a state road, you can file a claim for reimbursement by visiting our claims page here.

How do you choose between daytime vs. nighttime work?

While we do and will continue to do our very best to keep construction noise and inconvenience to a minimum, we are constrained by many elements. Whenever possible we do schedule night time work however, because both our maintenance and construction crews must complete huge volumes of work in a short time frame, sometimes the ideal situation is just not possible because of both safety and scheduling issues. We are certainly sympathetic to the concerns of all those affected by our work, but we want you to know that Rhode Island used to have the worst roads and bridges in the nation, and it will take massive construction and maintenance to make them first safe and secondly first rate for all or citizens. We know how frustrating this must be for many people and we hope you will bear with us. The inconvenience will be temporary, but the improvements are permanent.

Litter and grass mowing

Please know we also share the same frustration as you regarding litter and debris on the highways. Litter is one of our most challenging maintenance operations. Since the COVID19 Pandemic, we have not had the same level of ACI litter strike crews that we normally would, and we have faced our own staffing shortages as well. We apologize for the unsightliness, and we will do our best to address the issue.

Oversize/overweight permit questions?

Oversize/overweight permit questions can be directed to our OSOW permit office at [email protected] or by visiting: Statewide Truck & Bridge Restrictions

I received a suspicious text claiming it was from RIDOT? Is this a scam?

Yes. This is a phishing scam using text messages that fraudulently ask people to click on a link to validate information for a license waiver. This is not legitimate correspondence from RIDOT, and you are advised to delete any such messages immediately. Do not click any links or provide any personal information. Any emails soliciting similar information should be deleted. https://www.ri.gov/press/view/41475.

RIDOT Statewide Mowing & Sweeping Maps

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State Road or Local Road?

If you spot a roadway hazard but aren't sure who to contact, visit our State-maintained roads web page to find out.

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Damage Claim Information

Cities & Towns Info

How to Make an Open Records Request

State Traffic Commission

Contact Oversize & Overweight Division

Park & Ride Locations

Have Questions?

RIDOT Constituent Services
2 Capitol Hill
Providence, RI 02903
Phone: 401-222-2450
Toll Free: 1-844-DOT-ROAD