Dennis is stabbed by Zeus after telling Dionysis that human love is nothing to be admired, before brutally stabbing and killing Dennis the cat as a lesson that he shouldn't love anything lesser than himself.
Hera reassures Zeus that she is not plotting against him
Prometheus tells Zeus that the prophecy is fake and won’t come true, then tells the audience that he was lying
Dennis the kitten is stabbed by Zeus. You don’t see it as slightly off screen but you see a knife and hear the kitten scream. COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY and very upsetting. When you get to the scene where Dionysus is wearing a mint blazer and they are all around a table just skip it
Skip 27:20 to 27:50
Dennis is killed by Zeus to punish Dionysus.
31:15 to 31:35
The body of Dennis is craddle in Dionysus arms.
Its not treated as a joke. Its horrible but its treated as a tragedy.
Around 14 minutes in (maybe a little bit before) One of Medusa's "hairs" come out of her wrap and is in another characters face. It's brief, and for every other Medusa scene, in this episode, they are under a silk scarf and resemble locks.
It is the second Medusa scene, when we see it, someone asks if she's the real Medusa, which is a good time to look away if you have phobias. After it is back in the scarf it still moves for a few seconds but is not shown
Someone is held underwater on Zeus’ boat. Also in the batch store when the woman loses her mouth, she presumably can breathe, but I still found that scary to watch
Not on screen. Zeus wants informations of One of hera's "women without tongue". Hera holds her dead body after zeus' "interrogation" and then you see the result.
Daedalus and I think Nax is the name of the other character who both have visible disabilities, and are played by actors with those disabilities. It was refreshing to see the disability inclusion, without their stories having to revolve around the disability
Eurydidye dies and Orpheus' grief drives him to go to the underworld
The mother of Caeneus takes her own life to fulfill a prophecy
Ariadne's Father and brother die
Caeneus mother commits suicide to fulfill a prophecy
Ariadnies father dies for what he did to his son
Dionysus' mother who was turned into a bee dies when the hives are burned
The ocean on a yacht (a woman is drowned on the yacht)
The MASSIVE River Styx on a small boat (a character is murdered and thrown overboard)
A small lake people wade into but do not drown
ep 1 and 2 safe
ep 3 - 8.15 foaming at mouth due to poison - obvious when it's about to happen - visual
ep 4 - 33.00 - on a boat - "love makes people very stupid" - audio and visual - 10 seconds
ep 5 safe
ep 6 - 25.20 - liquid and blood being spat out and gagging - about 30 seconds
ep 7 and 8 safe
Analogous to outing. Caeneus believes his mother gave him up to the other Amazon's to be killed for a fair amount of the show after an early[ish] reveal by his murderer
What psychomancer 👆 mentiones is a scene where zeus' power is shown. He uses his "invisible power" to bang his son's head on the table. It looks like self harm but it's not. It's zeus.
Well it's a series in which the Greek gods live in modern times and are the primary religion of the world and take substance from a very nasty source
So multiple references to Greek myths to the underworld to Olympus as a mystical place the whole story is sort of a form of noir fantasy
Zeus, Zeus has multiple meltdowns that progress to his ultimate meltdown which causes the rest of the Olympians to rebel against him which is the beginning of the next series
Caeneus is repeatedly misgendered (by deadnaming, basically) by the Amazons. However, the narrative makes very clear that this is wrong, and even in pre-transition flashback scenes when he is still using the feminine version of his name (Caenis), the subtitles use the masculine version to refer to him. That is: someone verbally calls him Caenis, but the subtitles say "Caeneus sighs," or whatever.
tl;dr - yes, it happens, but it happens so the narrative can show it is wrong.
Persephone is visibly a lot younger than Hades. Not inappropriately[think 30s and 60-70s, so both fully adult], but still a stark contrast. Their relationship is played as supportive and sweet
Not specifically crying, but showing emotion/emotional attachment. Dionysius is ridiculed/threatened by Zeus for believing/desiring love as humans do. [Same scene where the cat is killed]