Becky, a bullied teen, wants to be Steph and Ariel’s friend, but when she learns that these popular girls are responsible for a nasty rumor about her father, she seeks revenge. Becky and her dad take matters into their own hands... and relish every part.
This movie contains 58 potentially triggering events.
Dora shot 25 minutes.
Diego punched 64 minutes, then whining but alive 66 minutes. He’s left in a cabin then a car barking for his protection. He does survive.
Sort of. It isn’t domestic abuse, it’s more the victim becomes the aggresser. It is a revenge movie, so the main character’s actions aren’t really seen as unethical or bad. The murders of the murders are very violent and are glorified by the movie.
No animals were harmed during the making of this movie. It is pretty easy to tell that the dogs were VERY well cared for behind the scenes, and the edits in the movie make it very easy to tell when they used props or dummies. They didn’t even use loud noises around the dogs, so that they wouldn’t be afraid. They added in gun sounds after the filming was done. Should be 100% NO votes for this category.
There is no dog fighting in this movie, organized or street fighting. There is no dog vs dog battles of any kind. The other commenter doesn’t seem to understand the category. Should be 100% NO votes.
Technically? I don’t know what constitutes a bully, this trigger is a bit unclear. One of the characters is beaten up by a neo-nazi. It’s only once and it’s not technically bullying.
Becky struggles to breathe in two different scenes - she gets punched in the throat in one, and is outright choked in the other. One of the neo-Nazis gets stabbed in the throat and struggles to breathe as he bleeds out and dies.
About halfway in, a character gets attacked because another character is trying to keep from being killed by him. His eyeball comes out of the socket and is hanging down from the optic nerve onto his cheek. His underling tries to patch it up and makes it worse. He had it coming.
Women shot in leg, continues bleeding. Dad is tortured with fire pit sticks prior to shooting. The an eyeball form someone else if gouged out and hanging.
A guy gets his eye stabbed out at about 35 minutes into the movie. It lingers on it for a while and the mutilation doesn't end with the stabbing. You may wanna look away until about 40 minutes or so.
No, but there are moments that can be interpreted as being in relation to infant abduction. The type of crime in the movie is not explained at first, and you learn what they are trying to accomplish as the story goes. There are a few scenes with kids that could seem like maybe they might be abducted, but there is no abduction. There is a very short scene of a large man grabbing a young girl with the intention of taking her with him, the intention is not to keep her forever, but to bring her where he needs her.
The title character's mother died of cancer around a year before the events of the movie. We see flashbacks and video footage of her several times in the film.
Traumatic situations accur and the main character shows signs of trauma, but the movie takes place as it is happening. There are no flashbacks or any signs of ptsd, despite the main character being traumatized.
The main villain is a neo-Nazi, *however* there are no antisemitic remarks and he seems more focused on interracial relationships. Plenty of Nazi imagery, though.
Diego punched 64 minutes, then whining but alive 66 minutes. He’s left in a cabin then a car barking for his protection. He does survive.