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[ key-buhl-vizh-uhn ]

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Word History and Origins

Origin of cablevision1

First recorded in 1970–75; cable + (tele)vision
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Example Sentences

He then went on to create Home Box Office for movies, and then sold both his cable service and HBO to build up Cablevision, which ended up providing television and internet to households across the north-eastern United States.

From BBC

His decisions include the Cablevision ruling, which opened up organizers to liability for protected union activities, and the Evergreen ruling, which hamstrung the state attorney general’s investigation into anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers—organizations that mislead pregnant people about their options and act as fronts for forced birth advocacy.

From Slate

He also joined other judges in 2015 in handing down a "shocking" opinion, Sammon and Stern wrote, that allowed Cablevision to sue union leaders for criticizing the company's response to Hurricane Sandy, and ruled in 2014 that a criminal defendant should be blocked from appealing his conviction after the defendant claimed he'd been subjected to an illegal search.

From Salon

In 2015, however, LaSalle joined a shocking opinion that carved a massive loophole into this law, allowing Cablevision to sue union leaders for criticizing the company’s management response to Hurricane Sandy.

From Slate

How they made their billions: Family patriarch Charles Dolan, the brother of Larry Dolan and the uncle of Paul Dolan, was a cable television pioneer who launched Cablevision on Long Island in 1973 and sold the company to Altice for $17.7 billion in 2016.


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