

cable's length

or cable length


  1. a nautical unit of length equivalent to 720 feet (219 meters) in the U.S. Navy and 608 feet (185 meters) in the British Navy.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of cable's length1

First recorded in 1545–55
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Example Sentences

No imitator so far has come within a cable’s length of triumph.

To measure temperatures along the cable’s length, the team sends pulses of light down the fiber and observes how the fiber backscatters the light, returning it in the direction from which it came.

The power generated depends on the cable's length and tension, but it theoretically could be enough to power a sonar array.

"Us be overtakin' them," and he nodded in the direction of the two boats that were still leading by less than a cable's length.

A cable's length on the port beam the Carse o' Gowrie was backing gently astern in order to close with her consort.





cable releasecable-stayed bridge