cabbage white
- any large white butterfly of the genus Pieris, esp the Eurasian species P. brassicae, the larvae of which feed on the leaves of cabbages and related vegetables: family Pieridae
Example Sentences
The complete disruption of mir-193 eliminated black and dark wing colours in the African squinting bush brown butterfly, Bicyclus anynana, the Indian cabbage white butterfly, Pieris canidia, and the common mornon butterfly, Papilio polytes.
However, researchers uncovered a rare subset of species such as the blue butterflies -- Lysandra -- and the group containing cabbage white butterflies -- Pieris - that have defied these genome structure constraints.
To the non-expert, they could easily be mistaken for the common or garden cabbage white butterflies seen in Britain every summer.
Pale green, saucer-size wonton “cups” make fine stages for the signature pickled tea leaf salad, a tangy and nutty toss that also embraces julienned cabbage, white peas and sesame seeds.
The same technique works on the undersides of brassica leaves for cabbage white butterfly eggs, and at the base of squash stems, if female vine borers have deposited their progeny.