

View synonyms for abbreviation


[ uh-bree-vee-ey-shuhn ]


  1. a shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase, used to represent the whole, as Dr. for Doctor, U.S. for United States, lb. for pound.
  2. an act of abbreviating; state or result of being abbreviated; reduction in length, duration, etc.; abridgment; summary:

    His abbreviation of his famous monograph, an enormous endeavor in itself, made an excellent introduction to the volume of collected essays of which he was the editor.

  3. a short phrase or reduced form used to represent a larger, more complex idea, situation, set of beliefs, etc.:

    “Freedom of speech” has become an abbreviation for a wealth of debate—and case law—about protesters' rights.

    The artist presented an abbreviation of line, plane, and curve; she creates breathtaking abstract representations of bodies you expect to leap off the canvas and start dancing.


/ əˌbriːvɪˈeɪʃən /


  1. a shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase used in place of the whole
  2. the process or result of abbreviating
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. A shortened form of an expression, usually followed by a period . Dr . is a standard abbreviation for Doctor ; MA is a standard abbreviation for Massachusetts .
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Grammar Note

Abbreviation is the most widely used term for a shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase. Abbreviations of single words are typically formed using the first letter or letters of the word ( n. = noun; adj. = adjective ), the first letter and the last letter ( hr. = hour; Sr. = Senior ), or the most significant letters ( TNT = trinitrotoluene; Pvt. = Private ). Abbreviations may be nearly as old as writing itself; they allow a writer to save time, space, and effort. The cost of materials like parchment, paper, and ink was another major impetus to shorten words and phrases. Even with the invention of the printing press, cost remained important, and printers looked for ways to save space without diluting the message. Many abbreviations have become standard, including abbreviations for days of the week ( Mon., Tues. ) and months of the year ( Jan., Feb. ); common Latin terms ( lb., e.g. ); units of time and measurement ( min., ft. ); titles of individuals ( Mrs., Rev. ); and titles or names of organizations ( NCAA, UNESCO ), government bodies ( SCOTUS, EPA ), and states and cities ( Pa., NYC ). The usual practice in American English is to use a period to end any abbreviation that stands for a single word (for example, assoc. or assn. for association ), whereas in British English the period is typically omitted if the abbreviation includes the last letter of the word. For example, in British writing the word association might be abbreviated as either assoc. or assn (without the period); likewise, Fr. is an abbreviation for France, while Fr (no period) is the abbreviation for Father (as the title for a priest). Phrases are typically abbreviated by using the first letters or initial portions of each word or each important word, usually without any periods. Similarly, a single long word is sometimes abbreviated with the initial letters of component parts of the word. Unlike ordinary abbreviations for single words, which are almost always read as if the word were spelled out (as by reading “Dr.” as “Doctor” and “lb.” as “pound”), abbreviations consisting of initials are usually read as written—either letter by letter or as a single word. An abbreviation that is pronounced letter by letter, like FBI for Federal Bureau of Investigation or DOD for Department of Defense or TV for television, is referred to as an initialism. Many abbreviations for phrases, however, are pronounced as words: for example, NATO for N(orth) A(tlantic) T(reaty) O(rganization) or radar for ra(dio) d(etecting) a(nd) r(anging). This type of abbreviation is called an acronym. Some acronyms, like radar, laser, scuba, and Gestapo, have become so accepted as normal words that most people are unaware of their acronymic origins. In many cases an official name may be chosen purely to create an appropriate and catchy acronym, as in the federal "Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act" of 2010 (the "CALM Act"). In a loose sense, initialism can refer to any abbreviation composed of initials, even if pronounced as a word; conversely, acronym has been widely adopted to refer to any such abbreviation, even if it is pronounced letter by letter. But the distinction between true acronyms (pronounced as words) and pure initialisms (said letter by letter), is a useful one. To complicate the issue, however, there are hybrid forms—part initialism, part acronym—like CD-ROM ( [see, -dee-, rom] ) and JPEG [jey, -peg] )—for which one term is as good as the other. With the increasing popularity of email, text messaging, and social media, people—especially young people—have found new ways to save time and space, bond with friends through use of in-group jargon, and keep their communications opaque to prying parental eyes, by using initialisms to represent common expressions. Among the most popular are OMG (Oh my God), BTW (by the way), AFAIK (as far as I know), LOL (laughing out loud), ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing), IMHO (in my humble opinion), FWIW (for what it’s worth), TTYL (talk to you later), and bff (best friends forever). BTW, IMHO, the rest of the population is catching on fast. OMG!
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Word History and Origins

Origin of abbreviation1

First recorded in 1400–50; late Middle English abbreviacioun from Middle French or directly from Late Latin abbreviātiōn- (stem of abbreviātiō ). See abbreviate, -ion
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Example Sentences

But the abbreviation “DEI” feels cold in comparison, more clinical — a harsh staccato against softer words like inclusion or fairness.

From Salon

When he was a schoolboy he was nicknamed Volt because his initials, AC, are an abbreviation for the electrical term "alternating current".

From BBC

“Do you mean to say the ‘DD’?” the officer asked, referring to the abbreviation for a designated driver who would remain sober while others imbibed.

Before the record-setting sale, Mr. Davis, 35, did not own a laptop, was not on social media, and did not know that the abbreviation ETH stood for a type of cryptocurrency.

"Medical jargon can be tricky, especially with abbreviations that differ across specialties. This is an even more difficult task when we refer to realistic hospital situations in which the room is not acoustically prepared."


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More About Abbreviation

What is an abbreviation?

An abbreviation is a shortened version of a word or phrase, such as prof. for professor or Mr. for mister.

Abbreviation is also the act of shortening words or phrases, as in The abbreviation of department names is common in government. 

We use several different methods to create abbreviations. Some of the most common include using the first letter or group of letters of a word, like Mon. for Monday and O for oxygen.

Abbreviations are also created by taking the first and last letter of a word, such as Dr. for doctor, or by taking several consonants of a word, like Pvt. for private and Sgt. for sergeant.

When we are shortening a series of words, such as a department or agency name, the abbreviation will be made of the first letter of each word (called an initialism), such as FBI for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

When we read an abbreviation out loud, we usually say the word it represents rather than the abbreviation. Mr. Jones would be said out loud as Mister Jones. If the abbreviation is an initialism, however, we usually say the letters themselves. For example, CIA is said as “see-eye-ay” rather than “Central Intelligence Agency.” If an abbreviation is meant to be said like this, it is usually spelled with capital letters.

Why is abbreviation important?

The first records of the word abbreviation come from around 1400. It ultimately comes from the Late Latin abbreviātiō, which combines the Latin ad– (toward) and brevis (short).

We use abbreviations to save writers time and energy or, less commonly now, to save printing costs. In spoken language, it is also much easier to say FBI or CNN rather than repeatedly having to say Federal Bureau of Intelligence or Cable News Network.

Abbreviations that are pronounced letter by letter, such as DDT or UN, are called initialisms. Abbreviations that are said out loud as words, such as NASA (nah-suh) or NATO (nay-toe) are called acronyms.

With the rise of the internet and phone texting, abbreviations have become very popular. Some popular modern abbreviations include LOL, JK, AFK, and BRB.

Did you know … ?

Some abbreviations are so commonly used that they become words on their own, and people may be unaware that they are a shortened form. For example, the word laser comes from “lightwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.”

What are real-life examples of abbreviation?

This chart lists some of the abbreviations that are commonly used on the internet and in texting:

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Abbreviations are used every day, especially on the internet.


What other words are related to abbreviation?

Quiz yourself!

Which of the following is NOT an abbreviation?

B. Prof.
C. Fri.
D. cat



