The unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by Russia is causing a humanitarian catastrophe to unfold in Europe. Members of the University community are appalled by Russia’s action and in awe of the bravery shown by Ukrainians as well as the bravery of those Russians who have denounced their government’s aggression.

In line with Oxford’s long-standing tradition of support for refugee scholars, the University and its colleges have launched the Ukraine Conflict Appeal Fund to support up to 20 undergraduates and 20 postgraduates though a Studentship scheme for the 2022-23 academic year.

  • For affected undergraduates and offer-holders this will provide much needed access to hardship funding and support for fees.
  • For postgraduates, the studentships will include free accommodation and meals within a college, a living stipend, and course fees.

We will continue to work with The British Academy and Council for At-Risk Academics to support at risk scholars with a view to participating in national schemes, plus fundraising for further support via local schemes. Additionally, The University’s Refugee Studies Centre will act as a hub for the scholars, offering access to a programme of seminars and events, and mentorship.

With the support of generous donors like yourself we can bolster the University and its colleges’ contributions to the fund, ensuring support for Ukrainian offer-holders, students, and scholars.

You can transform the life of a Ukrainian scholar by making a gift today. Please show your solidarity with our Ukrainian scholars at this incredibly difficult time.

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