Essential set of code inspection tools for Visual Studio

Code Review Bundle is a set of perfect diff tools to help you understand the other programmer's decisions and improve the project code quality until it gets feature-complete

  • Create review requests
  • Work in integration with Visual Studio (2015-2022 for Code Compare)
  • Perform tasks in conjunction with TFS, Subversion, Git, Mercurial, and Perforce
  • View added review comments from a file comparison document
  • Highlight code regions with review comments
  • Make code folding
  • Perform files merging

Flexible code reviews

Review Assistant lets you choose a simple or strict code review workflow for your projects. Any developer can start a post-commit code review on any set of revisions.

  • Code author is automatically pulled from a repository.
  • Multiple code authors can be assigned to a single review.
  • Moderator role is available in the strict code review workflow
  • One review can contain code from multiple repositories

Code review reports and statistics

Review Assistant provides a set of code review reports that help you steer the code review process.

  • Reviews Status report provides a view of who might be holding up reviews
  • Code Coverage report helps your tracking revisions being reviewed in a repository
  • Detailed report allows exporting a review with comments to a printable format
  • Statistics reports provide you with performance data about authors and reviewers

Replacement for Visual Studio Code Review Feature

Choose Review Assistant over native Code Review feature of Visual Studio if you need to:

  • Review multiple changesets
  • Hold iterative reviews
  • Set a policy to prevent checking in code without a review
  • Enable formal code reviews with a moderator
  • View code review statistics and reports
  • Use a lightweight Visual Studio code quality tool

Discussions in code

Code reviews are about improving your code base. Comments and discussions within your team are the heart of the process. Review Assistant supports threaded comments, so team members can discuss code without scheduled meetings.

  • Add comments on specific source lines, blocks of code, files, or the entire review
  • Flag comments as defects that need to be fixed
  • Provide comments on binary files, such as images
  • Start discussions in code, without creating a formal code review
  • Unread comments and replies are highlighted

Iterative review with defect fixing

Review Assistant supports multiple comment-fix-verify cycles in one review that makes it one of the most convenient source code review tools.

  • Author can instantly see open comments in the code editor
  • Defect statuses are color-coded
  • Author can restart a review by adding revisions with fixes
  • A reviewer can see exact changes made by the author according to comments

Text Comparison and Merge

Code Compare can be easily integrated into any version control system that supports external comparators. You can set up Code Compare as a comparison and merge tool using the command line.

  • Colored blocks for inserted, deleted, and modified text
  • Detailed highlighting of changes within lines
  • Collapsing of unchanged text regions (Pro-feature)
  • Editing files on the fly
  • Point-and-click merge with a mouse
  • Merging shortcuts for advanced users

Semantic Source Code Comparison

  • Structure comparison mode
  • Lexical comparison from major programming languages – C#, C++, Visual Basic, JavaScript, Java, XML
  • Syntax highlighting for programming languages
  • Matching methods in compared source code files
  • Similar lines of code are matched even after refactoring
  • Detecting moved blocks of code if source code is reordered in files
  • Displaying changes in code structure in Difference Explorer
  • Code outlining for collapsing and expanding regions of code

Three-Way Comparison and Automatic Merging

  • Three comparison panes with horizontal and vertical layouts
  • Integrates with version control systems as the merge tool for conflicting file revisions
  • Non-conflicting changes are merged automatically
  • Merging conflicts are highlighted
  • One-click conflict resolution with a mouse button
Features of Review Assistant and Code Compare Integration
Review Assistant leverages Visual Studio extension of Code Compare. The following features are available only when you use both tools.
Compare & Comment Source Code

Compare & Comment Source Code

Code Review Bundle gives you an opportunity to add code review comments when comparing source file revisions. Create review requests and respond to them within Visual Studio IDE.
View Added Reviews

View Added Reviews

With our code collaboration tools, it is convenient to view added review comments from a file comparison document. This feature helps you to facilitate the code review process and write top-quality software.
Code Highlighting

Code Highlighting

Highlighting of code regions with review comments is a very useful feature of our source code analysis tools. What is more, you can easily distinguish сolored blocks for inserted, deleted, and modified text.
In-place Code Review

In-place Code Review

Take advantage of in-place code review for external version control clients like TortoiseSVN. Set up an integration with popular version control systems and continuous integration servers on the fly!
Which cases does the tool help in?

Code Compare Intelligence

Evaluate the intelligence of Code Compare features: structured code comparison, unchanged block collapsing, whitespace ignoring, automatic files merging, etc. Exactly what the native comparison tool should be.

Files & Folders Comparison

Compare files and apply changes from left to right or vice versa and then save the file. Benefit from folder comparison feature - it's a great tool for comparing branches.

Change Tracking and Synchronization

Use the bundle every day in Visual Studio IDE to compare versioning conflicts or just compare the current file with its version history. Enhance change tracking and synchronization.

Code Discussions

Initiate code discussions with your team members without scheduled meetings. It is convenient to review code using powerful code navigation functions in Visual Studio. Leave review comments directly in the code being reviewed, when re-work is needed the tool handles subsequent revisions very nicely.

See how Compare Bundle
saves your budget
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Tools included in bundle



Regular Price

Bundle Price

Code Compare
Visual studio
30% off
Review Assistant
Visual studio
30% off

Total: $1049.95


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