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database: Handbook of Zoology Online
database: Handbook of Zoology Online

Handbook of Zoology Online

Handbook of Zoology/Handbuch der Zoologie

Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication


About this database

  • Easy access to all relevant information in a nutshell via advanced search and browse features
  • Online-first publication of new material and regular updates with new content
  • Non-restrictive DRM – allows for an unlimited number of simultaneous users institution-wide


In the 1920s in Berlin, Professor Willi Kükenthal initiated what would become the renowned German reference work Handbook of Zoology. The complete animal kingdom from single cell organisms to mammals is discussed in eight thematic volumes:

  • Volume I Protozoa, Porifera, Colenteratea, Mesozoa (1925)
  • Volume II Vermes (1933/34)
  • Volume III Arthropoda ex. Insecta (1927/1932)
  • Volume IV Arthropoda: Insecta
  • Volume V Solenogastres, Mollusca, Echinoderma (1925)
  • Volume VI Pisces / Amphibia (1930)
  • Volume VII Reptilia / Aves (1931)
  • Volume VIII Mammalia

For the Volumes IV Arthropoda: Insecta and VII Mammalia the publication of updates continues to the present day, with the most recent contributions in English. The latest updates provided a comprehensive treatment of Annelida, published in 4 print volumes.

In 2010, the Handbook of Zoology entered a new phase as the original content (ca. 28,000 pages) was reorganized along taxonomic, instead of bibliographical, categories. Small and modular units group information together in order to better take into account the accelerated speed of scientific discovery. As a result, the new structure more aptly reflects the current state of phylogenetic knowledge.

The Handbook of Zoology is available in print and eBook and as the database Handbook of Zoology Online, which offers access to both the complete historical archive and any new content. Continual updates keep the database at the most current scientific standards due to publication of new material online-first. A taxonomic browse feature and advanced search options allow users to quickly find what they are looking for. The regular publication of updates and easy navigation of content make the Handbook of Zoology Online very useful to both authors and users.

Your Benefits

  • A balanced discussion of faunal biodiversity, including often neglected species
  • An archive of more than 200 issues published over a period of 90 years
  • Providing extensive historical context
  • Including all original descriptors
  • Easy to browse and navigate
  • Concise, small units of information
  • Abundantly illustrated with original hand drawings and spectacular color illustrations



Editor-in-Chief: Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa, Zoologisches Museum/Zoological Museum Hamburg, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change, Germany

  • Annelida-Series: Markus Böggemann, University of Vechta, Germany; Günter Purschke, University of Osnabrück, Germany; Wilfried Westheide, University of Osnabrück, Germany
  • Arthropoda-Series: Rolf G. Beutel, University of Jena, Germany
  • Mammalia-Series: Frank Zachos, Natural History Museum Vienna, Austria

Lemmas A-Z

Persons A-Z

Places A-Z



Latest update 29.08.2024

Update Frequency


Search Help

Search Help

Here you will find instructions for searching in the Handbook of Zoology Online and explanations of the individual search functions.


You have two different options for searching.

Search form

The search form allows you to search using various search criteria. To do so, select the appropriate criterion in the search field and enter your search term(s) in the search field. The following search criteria are available:

  1. Full Text: Searches in all entries for the entered terms. Finds all entries that contain all searched terms and therefore returns the most results. For a more specific search, the other search criteria are more suitable.

    The following operators can be used in the search field:
  • *: Added to a string. Searches for entries including all terms that match the searched string with any addition.
  • AND: Searches for entries including all the terms connected by this operator (default search function).
  • OR: Searches for entries including at least one of the terms connected by this operator.
  • NOT: Searches for entries including the first, but not the second of the terms connected by this operator.

These operators can be combined with each other.

  • Title: Finds all entries whose titles contain all searched terms. This search criterion can be used to search specifically for entries for particular terms. Search with truncation does not work at the moment.
  • Author: Finds all entries with authors of the searched name. Suggests up to 15 matching author names in alphabetical order as you type. This search criterion can be used to search for entries by specific authors.
  • Keyword: Finds all entries to which the searched keyword is assigned. Suggests up to 15 matching keywords in alphabetical order as you type. This search criterion can be used to search for entries that deal with a specific topic.
  • Publication: Select an underlying print publication from the drop-down menu. Finds all entries of this publication.
  • Publication Year: Select Exact to search for a single year, or Range to search for a range of years. Finds all entries that have been published electronically in this year or range of years.
  • Bibliography: Finds all entries whose bibliography contains all searched terms. This search criterion can be used to search for specific sources or their titles, authors, etc.
  • Entry language: Select a language from the drop-down menu. Finds all entries which are written in this language.
  • Please note: The search is not case sensitive.

    You have the option to apply several search criteria at the same time. To do this, click on "Add row" in the search form. This creates a second search field in which you can set another search criterion (or else the same one). You can create as many additional search fields as you like.
    If you use more than one search field, the search will find all entries that match all search criteria ("Search for all of these terms"). Instead, you can also select "Search for any of these terms" above the search fields, which will cause the search to find all entries that match at least one of the searched criteria.
    By clicking on "Add NOT" you create a search field to which you can assign a search criterion. Terms entered in this search field will be excluded from the search. You can add this search field as often as you like.
    By combining the above functions, you are able to perform very specific searches.


    You want to search the Handbook of Zoology Online for all entries that mention the word "Reproduction" and were published in english language. However, you want to exclude the publication “Volume 1: Annelida Basal Groups and Pleistoannelida, Sedentaria I” from the search. For this you use the search form as follows:

    1. Create a second search field via "Add row".
    2. Select the search for "all of these terms" (default option).
    3. In the first search field, select the search criterion Full Text and enter the search term "Reproduction".
    4. In the second search field, select the search criterion Entry language and select “Englisch / English” in the dropdown menu of the search field.
    5. Create a third search field via "Add NOT". This is marked with a "NOT".
    6. Select the search criterion Publication in this search field and select “Volume 1: Annelida Basal Groups and Pleistoannelida, Sedentaria I” in the dropdown menu of the search field.
    7. After clicking on "Search" you will see 10 out of 138 hits in the results list.


    The browse button allows you to quickly search for the search criterion “Animal phyla”. The results list of a browse search can be further searched via the search form as described above.

    Results list

    The results that match your search are listed on one or more pages. The number of search results as well as the search criteria can be found above the results list.

    Each search result consists of the title of the entry, author(s) if existent, access information, entry type, online publication date (print publication date in brackets, if applicable), the cover of the database as well as a button to download the PDF ("Download PDF"), if available, and a text preview showing relevant text passages and highlighting the searched term in yellow (only for Full Text search criterion).

    You can access a search result by clicking on the title or cover of the database. If you do not have access to the database, please log in first.

    The search results are sorted by relevancy (frequency and weighting of the searched terms). You can also sort by date ("New to old" or "Old to new") or by title ("A to Z" or "Z to A").
    Furthermore, instead of the default 10 results per page, you can also display 20, 50 or 100 results per page.

    The search results can be further restricted under "Filter Results". Various filter options are available for this:

    1. Access: This option filters the search results according to who can access them. By default, "All content" is found. It is possible to filter by "Licensed content", "Open Access", "Publicly available" as well as "All available content".
    2. Publication
    3. Publication Year
    4. Entry language

    All filters can be combined with each other. Filtering by certain filter options excludes further certain filter options if there are no entries which match both options.

    Downloaded on 2.12.2024 from
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