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Helping You Build a Better Future

ScholarshipCONNECTSM is your one-stop application system to search and apply for over 300 Dayton Foundation scholarship opportunities. The majority of these scholarships are open exclusively to students who reside in the Greater Dayton region of Ohio.

Receiving these scholarships gets me one step closer to achieving my goal of becoming a teacher. I couldn’t have done it without this help!

Brooklyn Mikesell

FAQs for Scholarship Applicants

What is the scholarship timeline?

The ScholarshipCONNECTSM scholarship application opens each year in mid-December. Applications are due the beginning of March, with scholarships awarded in April, May and June. Scholarship checks are mailed in July to the scholarship recipients’ schools.

Who is eligible to apply?

Graduating high school seniors and current college students from the Greater Dayton region of Ohio are eligible to apply. This includes Montgomery, Miami, Greene, Darke, Preble and northern Warren counties in Ohio.

Do you have scholarships for career tech, trade schools or vocational programs?

Yes! There are scholarships available for students planning to attend a two-year community college or career tech program. Scholarships are available for programs such as welding, robotics and various construction trades.

Do you have scholarships for graduate or professional programs?

Unfortunately, there are no scholarships available at this time for graduate school or professional programs.

Where does the money come from for the scholarships?

Scholarship funds are established through The Dayton Foundation by individuals, families, organizations and corporations and funded by them or through other contributions, such as memorial gifts. Some scholarships are created in memory of someone, in honor of someone’s alma mater or just because the donor wants to help students get through college.

How does the scholarship selection process work?

Each scholarship fund has a selection committee composed of volunteers and/or donors. Each scholarship application is scored using a rubric that corresponds with the individual scholarship criteria.

Is financial need mandatory for all scholarships?

No. Some scholarships are merit based, and financial need is not considered.

I submitted my general application. Now what?

Once you submit your general application, there is more work to do! Go to the Opportunities tab and click on “Ours” to see the list of scholarships in which you are qualified to apply. Some of the scholarships have additional questions or essays that must be completed in order to be considered for the scholarship. Just submitting your general application does not mean you have applied for any scholarships.

Can my references still submit a recommendation after the application deadline?

References are due one week after the scholarship application deadline. Click on the "References" tab to see the status of your references. If a reference has not uploaded a letter, you can resend the request. It is your responsibility to make sure your recommendation letter has been uploaded.

Can I receive more than one scholarship?

Yes! Sometimes students are offered more than one scholarship.

How and when will I be notified if I receive a scholarship?

You will receive an email if you have been offered a scholarship. Therefore, it’s very important that you check your email frequently all spring! You also can log into ScholarshipCONNECTSM at any time to check the status of your application. Scholarships are awarded in April, May and June of each year.

How do I accept a scholarship?

Once you are offered a scholarship, you will need to log into ScholarshipCONNECTSM to accept the scholarship by providing your student ID number, proof of enrollment and a thank you note for the donor.

Where and when will my scholarship check(s) be sent?

After you accept your scholarship, a check will be sent directly to your college or university in mid-July. If you do not accept your scholarship by the end of June, your check may be delayed.

What can my scholarship be used for?

Scholarships can be used to help pay for tuition, fees and books. Scholarship dollars cannot be used for room and board.

Are scholarships renewable?

Some scholarships are renewable. You will be notified if your scholarship is renewable and what the renewal terms are up front.

How does the scholarship renewal process work?

Each March, you will receive an email with directions for how to renew your scholarship. You will need to submit an official transcript and an essay explaining how your year went. Most scholarships require a minimum 2.5 GPA, but some do require a 3.0 GPA, so make sure you check the requirements when you are awarded the scholarship. All renewal materials are due in mid-June each year.

Want more helpful scholarship application tips and deadline reminders? Follow The Dayton Foundation on Instagram.