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Scholarship Selection Committee Members – How to Get Started

Thank you for volunteering to serve on a Dayton Foundation scholarship advisory committee. As a committee member, you will evaluate the applications and recommend awarding the scholarship funds in the way that best fulfills the original donor’s charitable wishes. Although all scholarship funds have specific criteria, awarding scholarships also requires judgment in assessing the character, motivation and potential of the applicants.

Complete The Dayton Foundation’s Scholarship Program Conflict of Interest Policy

If it wasn’t for my scholarships, I probably would have given up on my education a long time ago, but they were a constant reminder that someone believed in me enough to support my dream.

Eliza Straughter
Pearl A. Dale and Audrey Parker Scholarship Fund recipient

Create a Scholarship Fund for Your Legacy

Our expert staff can work with you and your advisor to create a customized, enduring legacy to support future scholars for your area of interest or alma mater.