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Community Impact – Education

Ensuring education for all individuals is at the heart of a growing, thriving community. For decades, The Dayton Foundation has partnered with others to help launch and fund numerous initiatives and special efforts that are working to support students’ success in Greater Dayton.

Historical Initiatives & Projects

Crayons to Classrooms – In 2006, The Dayton Foundation, Mathile Family Foundation and Goodwill Easterseals Miami Valley launched an initiative to address the growing issue of students going to school without the tools they needed to succeed. As the first teacher resource center of its kind in Dayton, Crayons to Classrooms has distributed basic school and craft supplies, valued at over $29 million, to qualifying teachers for children in need.

Making a Difference Through Scholarship Funds

Last fiscal year, more than $25 million in grants and scholarships was awarded from Dayton Foundation funds to support education. Of this amount, nearly $3 million was awarded in scholarships to aid nearly 1,200 students who are pursuing their dreams. You, too, can inspire students by creating a scholarship fund to support your area of academic interest or alma matter, or to honor the memory of a loved one.