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We Value All People

At The Dayton Foundation, our values of diversity, equity and inclusion are core to our success. Our goal is to create a sense of belonging for all who want to make a difference in our Greater Dayton community. Our donors represent all walks of life and have established a variety of funds that work to make positive impacts for all.

The Dayton Foundation respects and celebrates diversity, equity and inclusion and its important role in creating a better tomorrow for all. The Foundation commits its resources to influence change in ways that signal to groups with diverse cultures, philosophies and experiences that they are welcome partners in efforts to foster DEI in our region.  

The Foundation’s commitment to DEI can best be pursued with staff and volunteers who include individuals of diverse backgrounds, beliefs and perspectives. The Foundation believes that diversity encompasses, but is not limited to, race, ethnicity, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, economic circumstance, physical and mental abilities and characteristics, and philosophy.

As a community foundation leading positive, community-wide change, we are committed to not only creating a diverse team where everyone feels represented and respected, but also embedding equity and inclusion practices across our work and philanthropy at large.

We remain resolute in our commitment to our Core Values. We firmly believe these values are integral to the success of our organization, and we are dedicated to anchoring them in our identity — both internally and externally.

The challenge is to acknowledge that nothing will change unless things are done differently and deliberate plans and systems are put into place to change the current equity and inclusion landscape. Every entity in the community must look onto itself and ask what it is doing to bring about change.

William Gillispie
Former Dayton Foundation Governing Board Member and Co-chair of the Minority Inclusion Steering Committee

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