`).text().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim(); //-------------------------------- // Set Cookie Expiration //-------------------------------- // if (isNaN(NEW_COOKIE_EXPIRATION)) { // console.log(COOKIE_NAME + ' cookie expiration is set to default 7 days'); } else { COOKIE_EXPIRATION = NEW_COOKIE_EXPIRATION; // console.log(COOKIE_NAME +' cookie expiration is set to ' + NEW_COOKIE_EXPIRATION + ' days'); } //-------------------------------- // Check Cookie //-------------------------------- // checkCookie(COOKIE_NAME); if (getCookie(COOKIE_NAME)) { $alertMsg.hide(); } else { $alertMsg.show(); } //-------------------------------- // Close Message and Set Cookie //-------------------------------- // $alertMsgCloseBtn.click(function () { $alertMsg.hide(); setCookie(COOKIE_NAME, COOKIE_CONTENT, COOKIE_EXPIRATION); checkCookie(COOKIE_NAME); }); //-------------------------------- // Functions //-------------------------------- // function checkCookie(cname) { var match = getCookie(cname); if (match && match[1] !== COOKIE_CONTENT) { deleteCookie(cname); // console.log(cname + ' cookie has been cleared.'); } else if (match) { // console.log(cname + ' cookie is REMEMBERED on this browser.'); } else { // console.log(cname + ' cookie is NOT REMEMBERED on this browser.'); } } function setCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = "expires=" + d.toUTCString(); document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/"; // console.log(cname + ' cookie was set to "' + cvalue + '", and will be expired on ' + expires); } function deleteCookie(cname) { document.cookie = cname + '=; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;'; } function getCookie(cname) { return document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(?:^|; )" + cname + "=([^;]*)")); } })(); //----------------------------------------------------------- // // Search // //----------------------------------------------------------- // (function () { var $body = $('body'); var $header = $('#tpl-X8MSBS'); var $menu = $('.header-menu, .mega-menu', $header) var $burger = $('.burger', $header) var $headerSearch = $('.header-search', $header); var $headerSearchBtns = $('.header-search-btn, .header-utility-bar-search-btn', $header); var $headerSearchInput = $('input[name="q"]', $header); var $headerSearchBackdrop = $('.header-search-backdrop', $header); var $headerSearchCloseBtn = $('.header-search-close-btn', $header); $headerSearchBtns.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $headerSearch.hasClass('active') ? closeSearchForm() : openSearchForm(); }); $headerSearchBackdrop.on('click', function () { closeSearchForm() }); $menu.on('mouseenter', function () { closeSearchForm(); }); $burger.on('click', function () { closeSearchForm_2(); }); // when esc key is pressed and search form is opened, close search form window.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) { if (e.keyCode === 27 && $headerSearch.hasClass('active')) { closeSearchForm(); // focus on search our website button $headerSearchBtns.focus(); } }); // when $headerSearchCloseBtn is clicked, close search form $headerSearchCloseBtn.on('click', function () { closeSearchForm(); // focus on search our website button $headerSearchBtns.focus(); }); function openSearchForm() { $body.addClass('_overflow-hidden'); $headerSearchBtns.addClass("active"); $headerSearch.addClass("active"); $headerSearch.fadeIn(400); $headerSearchInput.focus(); } function closeSearchForm() { $body.removeClass('_overflow-hidden'); $headerSearchBtns.removeClass("active"); $headerSearch.removeClass("active"); $headerSearch.fadeOut(400); $headerSearchInput.blur(); } function closeSearchForm_2() { $headerSearchBtns.removeClass("active"); $headerSearch.removeClass("active"); $headerSearch.fadeOut(400); $headerSearchInput.blur(); } })(); });


In the most recent ranking of nearly 800 community foundations nationwide, The Dayton Foundation ranked:

  • 40th in grants (total dollars) made;
  • 31st in new gifts received; and
  • 6th in new gifts received.

Plus, we’re second among all community foundations in the number of charitable funds under management and the number of grants awarded – more than community foundations in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.