Welcome to Dancing Feathers Farm

We’re a 14-acre, first-generation regenerative goat, chicken, veggie, herb, and flower farmstead in Bloomingdale, Michigan.

Our Farm Products

Everything we sell is grown, gathered, handcrafted, and packaged right here on the farm. From customer-praised handmade soaps and Triple B Balms to fresh, non-GMO eggs, every purchase you make casts a supportive vote for sustainable, regenerative farming practices and beyond humane animal husbandry.

Featured Farm Products

We offer local curbside pick-up from our farm in Bloomingdale, Michigan and nationwide shipping for many of our products. Check out our FAQ page for shipping specifics and to learn more about our affiliates and partners.

Handmade Soaps

Our goat milk and coconut oil bars are crafted from transparent, earth-friendly ingredients and blended, poured, and packaged by hand in Bloomingdale, Michigan. They whip beautifully into a luscious, long-lasting lather using natural oils, herbs, and hues.

White soap with lavender on a stump
Non-GMO Chicken Eggs

Non-GMO Chicken Eggs

Our non-GMO chicken eggs are laid fresh daily by happy, healthy ladies fed by the land, local non-GMO feed mill, and our compost pile. We boast a variety of colors in our cartons and sell our eggs unwashed so they can stay fresh and safe for weeks!  

Triple B Balm

An owner favorite, Dancing Feathers Farm’s Triple B Balm was our very first handmade natural product. We started making the balm for our babies when their bottoms didn’t react kindly to store-bought options. Soon enough, we were gifting jars to new parents, cancer fighters, and hardworking hands. Our family uses the balm daily and we pour love into every single jar.

pink lisianthus flower
Winter on the Farm

Farm Visits

Interested in visiting our farm for class trips, homestead networking, or photography opportunities? Connect with us below to learn more about our agritourism options, associated costs, and more.

Proudly Regenerative

Regenerative farming is a holistic approach to agriculture that focuses on the interconnection of farming systems and the ecological system as a whole.

I have made a number of online orders from this farm. Super quick response time and delivery. Everything comes beautifully packaged. The quality that comes out of this farm either balms, soaps, bone broth, or art is beyond amazing. The love, attention, and thoughtfulness that goes into every handmade or hand-grown product speak for themselves. I highly recommend purchasing from Dancing Feathers Farm. You will not be disappointed.


Dancing Feathers Farm is a beautiful place run by beautiful people with hearts for horticulture and agriculture. We were fortunate to visit the farm and become quick friends with Jen, Jordan, and the family (both human and hoofed!). There are so many beautiful products they offer, made and grown at the farm, as well as the beautiful goats they have for milk. We are fortunate to have Dancing Feathers Farm in our community!


We offer curbside local pickup and ship many products nationwide.

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