getting around

Ann Coulter Discovers the War on Cars

Ann, this could be you. Photo: Shutterstock

Traffic fatalities once again soared in the U.S. last year, making 2021 even deadlier than the very deadly 2020. New federal data out this week confirmed the numbers: an increase of 10.5 percent above the previous year — a 16-year high and the largest jump in three decades. But Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has a plan to address our skyrocketing road deaths and is funneling an unprecedented $5 billion over five years to local safe-streets improvements. Noted transportation advocate Ann Coulter summed it up: “$0 for the Wall. $5 Billion for bike paths.” Ann, welcome to the war on cars.

But Ann, not all $5 billion is going to bike paths; some of the money will fund wider sidewalks and safer crosswalks. All are welcome investments!

Ann Coulter Discovers the War on Cars