Curriculum Learning for Motor Skills
AI 2012
Andrej Karpathy ���
Michiel van de Panne |
Humans and animals acquire their wide repertoire of mo- tor skills through an incremental learning process, during which pro- gressively more complex skills are acquired and subsequently integrated with prior abilities. The order in which the skills are learned and the progressive manner in which they are developed play an important role in developing a nal skill set. Inspired by this general idea, we develop an approach for learning motor skills based on a two-level curriculum. At the high level, the curriculum species an order in which dierent skills should be learned. At the low level, the curriculum denes a process for learning within a skill. The method is used to develop an ensemble of highly dynamic integrated motor skills for a planar articulated gure ca- pable of doing parameterized hops, ips, rolls, and acrobatic sequences. Importantly, we demonstrate that the same curriculum can be success- fully applied to signicant variations of the articulated gure to yield appropriately individualized motor skill sets. |
� � PDF (2.1 Mb) �� 2012-AI-curriculum.pdf �� video (on |
�� NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada) �� GRAND NCE: Graphics, Animation, and New Media |