Entries open for 2024 CRN Impact Awards!

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Entries open for 2024 CRN Impact Awards!

Entries are now open for the 2024 CRN Impact Awards, which celebrate the impact of Australian IT channel-led projects, innovation, ESG initiatives and leadership!

This year, we are excited to announce a significant expansion of these awards. To better recognise the scope of channel partnerships, we are inviting partners, distributors and vendors to enter the main award categories. 

  • Partners, be recognised for creating tangible impact for your customers
  • Distributors, earn praise for tangible impact you helped deliver for a partner/vendor and (if applicable) the end-user organisation (with your partner/vendor's help)
  • Vendors, celebrate tangible impact you helped deliver for a partner/distributor and (if applicable) the end-user organisation (with your partner/distributor's help)

Award categories include Business Transformation, Workforce Empowerment, Modernising Infrastructure, Trusted Systems, Network Evolution and Customer Experience.

We are also introducing a Leadership Award, ESG Award and Innovation Award.

The channel is also invited to vote for the distributor and/or vendor it thinks deserves to win a Channel’s Choice Award.

The winners will be announced at the Gala Awards Dinner on Thursday, 15th August 2024, at the Sheraton Grand Mirage, Gold Coast, during the CRN Pipeline conference.

For the full list of award categories and links to more details about entry and judging criteria, visit the CRN Impact Awards page.

Why enter?

CRN Impact Awards winners join an alumni that includes channel players responsible for significant IT and digital projects across Australian industry and government.

Last year, more than 200 people gathered at the CRN Impact Awards gala dinner for the announcement of the 2023 CRN Impact Award winners.

Award winners achieved everything from helping three separate councils separate while saving the client half a million dollars a year, moving a major United States financial client's on-premise trade surveillance technology to cloud native architecture, and supporting an indigenous-owned organisation with an aerial drone program using 5G network to connect elders with the operations of their local rangers.

Being a finalist or winner earns you independent recognition you can show potential end-user customers, reseller, distributor or vendor partners, and your team and peers.

If your project or innovation is a winner, it will be covered in stories by CRN, which will be seen by thousands of people. Finalists can also purchase tickets to the gala awards dinner to be held at the 2024 CRN Pipeline conference on August 15.

When is the deadline to enter?

Entries close on Wednesday 1 May, 2024, at 5pm AEST, so prepare your entry now!

How do I enter?

Visit the CRN Impact Awards page which is your starting point.

On that page you will find links to the CRN Impact Awards Entry Kit, which details the award categories, rules and tips for entering. We highly recommend you read this.

Once you’ve read the entry kit, you can submit your entry by filling in the CRN Impact Awards 2024 online entry form. You must submit your entry using this form. To help you prepare your entry, you can download the offline entry form but use it for reference only and do not send it to us.


Please download the entry kit which details the award categories, rules and tips for entering, and the offline entry form to help you prepare your entry.

If you have still have questions after downloading and reading the above documents,  contact [email protected].

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