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June 2022

The Justice Department Pressured USA Today to Stop Publishing Me

RIMPAC Naval Exercises, the Philippines and War on China

Colombia, Once a Pro-U.S. Conservative Bastion, Turns Left

Holy Alito!

The Seven Deadly Sins: Alive & Well in the U.S. of A

The Supreme Court and the Abuse of History: Rights Will Always Lose

Defund the Democratic Party: More Republicans in Office will Not Save Abortion Rights, but History has Shown, Neither Will More Democrats

Europe’s Uneasy Unity on the War in Ukraine

Angry Macron Under Pressure

The First Attack on the Independents: Albanese Hobbles the Crossbench

Who’s Murdering Immigrants? It’s No Mystery

Is Universal Basic Income Part of a Just Transition?

The Recurring Nightmare of America’s Political Tradition

NATO and Russia Both Aim to Fail

A.B. Yehoshua, 1936–2022

Peter Lownds Explains How and Why he Translated the Brazilian Novel Never-Ending Youth

Lawsuit Challenges Biden’s Resumption of Oil, Gas Leasing on Public Lands

“The Famine is Coming”

OPEC Plus’s Accelerated Oil Production Pales in Comparison to Lost Output from US Sanctions

Incident at Santa Susana: A Meltdown, a Fire and a Cover-Up

NATO and a War Foretold

Does the Amazon Now Have a Shot at Survival?

Damning Americans’ Freedom

Brace for Impact

The Great White West Aims to Crush the Slavs and Chinese

Hard-Fought Freedoms on the Line

G7 and the Desperation Stage of Russian Sanctions

Petro’s Victory Brings an Opportunity to Reverse Inequality in Colombia

Maybe It Is The Right’s Fault

An Open Letter to Biden on Using Okinawa as an Attack Base Against China

More Bloat For Bloated Defense Spending

A Cold War with China, Global Warming, and Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

Susan Collins Embraced Mendacity

CO2 Removal?

‘Not a Justification but a Provocation’: Chomsky on the Root Causes of the Russia Ukraine War

Ending the War in Ukraine: Three Possible Futures

The Brutality of “Bulldozer Justice” in India

I Was the Walrus, but Now I Am John: Neo-liberalism’s Dead and Gone

In Striking Down Roe, the Supreme Court Has Dealt a Blow to Reproductive and Economic Justice

The Continuing Damages from Corporate-Managed So-Called Free Trade

Abortion: No, Dobbs Isn’t “Decentralization”

You Can’t Count on the Police

Climate Not Fuels Drive Large Blazes

Abort the Court

Women: Victims of the Hypocrites on the Supreme Court

Hypocrisies and Successes at UN Meeting to Ban Nuclear Weapons

The Era of Northern Hegemony Over Mexico Is Coming to an End

Democracy in America on a Knife’s Edge

The Biden Problem and the Midterm Elections

Latin America’s New New Left