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July 2020

Laura Briggs – Episode 159

Roaming Charges: Demon Seed

Get the F*** Out of Afghanistan!

War, Money and Democracy: the Economics of Keynes

American Exceptionalism

The Bologna Massacre, the ‘Strategy of Tension’ and Operation Gladio

Fascist Ohio’s Bribed $60 Million Nuke Reactor Meltdown

Donald Trump’s Misguided Attacks on WHO

Every Step the EU Takes Toward Financial Unity Sows New Seeds of Its Potential Collapse

Bernie Groups Break Free of Dems: New Party Rising?

Did a Wealthy Family, Which May Have Ties to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, Buy a Seat on the DC Council?

Systemic Racism And Progressive Reconstruction

Julian Assange’s Political Indictment: Old Wine in Older Bottles

Climate Change is Genocide

The Twenty Years War

Yemen: a Torrent of Suffering in a Time of Siege

The Space Wars Have Begun

Hunting with the Father

List of Targets Leaked: Israel Fears the Worst in ICC Investigation of War Crimes

Inside Trump’s Attack on America’s Environmental Charter

America’s Wars on Democracy in Rwanda and the DR Congo

Post-Brexit Agrochemical Apocalypse for the UK?

The Consequences of Inequality Can Be Fatal

Tear Gas and Thugs at the BLM Protests in Portland

I Was Tear Gassed in Portland … and Not Only by the Feds

What’s Next for the ADA?

Teach Anti-Racism in Schools, It’s Worth It

Naked Athena vs. Drumpf

Russiagate, Nazis, and the CIA

Could the Duterte Regime be COVID-19’s Next Victim?

On Medicare and Medicaid’s 55th Birthday, Let’s Expand Benefits—Not Cut Them

Unless We’re Also Mad, We’re No Match for the Madness of Neoliberalism

“We Charge Genocide:” Forerunner at UN of Black Lives Matter

Feds Give In, Maybe

Open Letter to My Landlord #5

Beating Trump and Saving Junipers in the Elkhorns

What Does It Mean To Tolerate Others?

Queens Noir

Never Forget August 3 in El Paso

A Portland ‘Sit-Down’ Can Rock Trump’s Boat

Insurgents and Iconoclasts Needed (But for Now Lay Low)

“Time to Say the F-Word”: Why Now?

The Triple Antagonist of the Police, Policing, and Policy

Where to Put the FBI

Does The Left Stand With Uighurs?

In Praise of Elisha Cook

The Inner Chronicle of What We Are – Understanding Werner Herzog

An Attack on Edward Said’s Legacy

How Covid-19 Could Upend Geopolitics

Wilmington Protest Meeting Demands Federal Troops Out of Portland, US Troops Out of Cuba