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March 2018

“We Cannot Wait for Change”—Freed Whistleblower Chelsea Manning on Iraq, Prison & Running for Senate

Sous Le Pave, La Plage: May 68

Woke Hollywood? The Marketing of Black Panther

Weaponized Healthcare: How Obamacare Shifts Costs to the Poorest and Sickest

Herman Bell Gains Parole, DeBlasio and Cuomo Lose Ethics

Guns, Corruption and PACs: Three Terrible Supreme Court Decisions

One No-Brainer Way to Bring Gun Deaths Down: Close the “Boyfriend Loophole”

Theresa May Playing a Reckless Game of Nuclear Roulette

The Last ‘Peace Process’ Warrior: Abbas Hanging by a Thread

Bringing Back the Bush Era

The Mosquito Gap: Climate Change and Infectious Diseases

How the Islamophobia Industry Silences Voices of Dissent

Getting Ready for Nuclear War

Diplomatic Madness: the Expulsion of Russian Diplomats

Is a New War Against Russia in Ukraine Unfolding Before Our Eyes?

A Glimpse Inside the West Bank

San Francisco, a Sanctuary City… for the Irish, Too

Defendants Acquitted Based on Climate Necessity Defense

March for Eight Billion Lives: an Interview With Riva Enteen

Why Vietnam Still Matters: The Australians Tangle With Victor Charles in the Battle of Long Tan

Land, Factions and Capital in South Africa

Steal This Book: The Publishing Misadventures of a CIA Whistleblower

Is the War on Guns the Next War on Terror?

Vietnam Will Win: Epilogue

Change is Coming, From the Youth

The Hope and Reality of Change

Disciplining the Body: The Deepening Ecological Crisis

“I Won’t Keep Calm I Have a Black Son”

The World According to Mad Dog: US Support for Saudi War in Yemen Reduces Civilian Casualties

Iran’s Gen. Qassim Solemani Pledges to “Weed the Resistance!” Is Nasrallah His Target?

“I Won’t Keep Calm I Have a Black Son”

Goodbye Facebook, and Screw You Too

Recycling War Criminals

Smearing Jeremy Corbyn

The Specter of Hyperinflation: Remarque’s “The Black Obelisk”

Precarious Communications: Julian Assange, Internet Access and Ecuador

The President v. the Law: How Four Types of Lawsuits Will do the Job Congress Should be Doing

Stopping War Pusher John Bolton, Trump’s Choice for National “Insecurity” Advisor

Big American Money, Not Russia, Put Trump in the White House: Reflections on a Recent Report

All the President’s Women

The Spawn: Feminism’s Misandry Problem

Syria: Is Trump Finally Putting America First?

The Class Struggle in the Old West

The Parable of the Stone and the Slap

John Hsu, Prince of the Viola da Gamba

A Look Back: Jim Wright’s Resignation Scandal

Palestinians Will Not Cease to Demand their Rights

Accounting in a Democratic Economy

Supporters and Opponents of Peace in Korea

The Trump-Daniels Timeline