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July 2016

Clinton Incorruptible: An Ideological Contrivance

The Coming Crisis in U.S.-Turkey Relations

The Scourge of Youth Detention: The Northern Territory, Torture, and Australia’s Detention Disease

NY Times Pushes Nukes While Claiming Renewables Fail to Fight Climate Change

Did Industry Ties Lead Democratic Party Platform Committee to Nix Fracking Ban?

Slavery, War and Presidential Politics

Racism, Freedom of Expression and the Prohibition of Guns at Universities in Texas

The Time for Third Parties is Now!

Could Trump be Good for Peace?

How to Understand the Beheading of a French Priest

Provoking Russia

The Content of Trump’s Character

The Iraq War: a Story of Deceit

Gang Violence Rages Across Central America

Long Live the Queen of Chaos

Serving The Grid: Urban Planning in New York

Pick Your Poison

Like Trump, Hitler Also Liked His “Small People”

A Faith that Lifts Barricades: The Ukraine Government Bows and the Ultra-Nationalists are Furious

Something Besides Politics for Summer’s End

“Don’t Cry For Us Syria … The Truth is We Shall Never Leave You!”

It’s Not the Economy, Stupid

Real Cooperation with Nations Is the Best Survival Tactic

Evolution of Capitalism, Escalation of Imperialism

My Fellow Americans: We Are Fools

Well Fed, Bill?

Countering The Nader Baiter Mythology

The Orange Man: Trump and the Middle East

Rain the Color Blue with a Little Red In It

It Wasn’t Just the Baton Rouge Police Who Killed Alton Sterling

Sugar-Coated Lies: How The Food Lobby Destroys Health In The EU


She Stoops to Conquer: Notes From the Democratic Convention

Is War Inevitable in the South China Sea?

Obama Said Hillary will Continue His Legacy and Indeed She Will!

Pseudo-Democracy, Reparations, and Actual Democracy

“Law and Order:” Code words for White Lives Matter Most

Feel the About Turn

The Artistic Representation of War and Peace, Politics and the Global Crisis

Review: B. George’s “The Death of Rex Ndongo”

Executing Children Won’t Save the Tiger or the Rhino

Open Letter to Bernie Sanders from Former Campaign Staffers

The Republicans and Democrats Have Now Switched Places

Hillary’s Convention Con

There’s No Such Thing as a “Free Market”

The Clintons Celebrated, But Likely a Disaster for the Rest of the World

The Elephant in the Living Room

Is it the Cops or the Cameras? Putting Police Brutality in Historical Context

Brexit: the British Working Class has Just Yawned Awake

Erdogan Moves Against the Gulen Movement in Turkey