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September 2015

Time for UN to Shift Its Mission in Yemen

Jousting Over Syria: Obama and Putin at the UN

Bernie-Style Socialism is Still a Hand-Out to Capitalists

EU Court Advocate General Deals Severe Blow to NSA Surveillance

Shatila: Remembering the Massacre

British Collusion with Death Squads in the Muslim World

The Realpolitik of President Jimmy Carter

Meeting Raúl: a Night of Nearness and Hope for Cuba and the US

Single-Payer Health Care and the Case Against Clicktivism

The Corporations Make the Decisions, We Pay for Them

The Wicked War on Syria: Hillary Clinton in Her Own Words

Cuba’s Quiet Wealth: Why It is Needed

Disaster Capitalism in Post Katrina New Orleans

Fukushima: the World’s Never Seen Anything Like This

Rumblings of Discontent in Saudi Arabia

Carly Fiorina, Identity Politics and the Death of Feminism

Address to the United Nations

UAW Votes on Fiat Chrysler Deal

West Virginia Miners Play Second Fiddle to the Molly Maguires

The Curse of Totalitarianism and the Challenge of an Insurrectional Pedagogy

The Evolution of Malcolm X: His Philosophy in the Struggle Against Racism and Injustice

The Death of the “Pacifist” Constitution: Japan’s Return to Its Martial Roots

G-Zero: US-China Relations in the Age of Xi

The Search for a Political Practice: Venezuela 2000-2015

Orwell at the UN: Obama Re-Defines Democracy as a Country That Supports U.S. Policy

Ayotzinapa: One Year Later

How AIPAC-OFAC Are Working to Maintain Iran Sanctions

A Tale of Two Visitors

Obama Deifies American Hegemony

Dr. Jamal Barzinji (1939-2015): In Memoriam

Fund-Raising as the World Burns: Shell Drills the Arctic, Takes a Timeout and Big Green Declares “Victory”

Cuba: Notes on a History of Best Intentions

Saudi Royal Family: Protecting VIPs, While Letting Ordinary Pilgrims Die

The Devolution of Medicine: Turning Health Care Into a Business

Frappuccino Society: How Starbucks and Subway Exploit Their Staff and Suppliers to Feed Corporate Profits

Israel’s War on Al-Aqsa

Stop Bombing Syria: a Letter from Mark Rylance, Brian Eno, John Pilger et al.

Turning a Blind Eye to War Crimes in Yemen: a Letter From Robert Burrows, Louise Cainkar, Steve Caton et al.

Brainless in Washington

I Knew Both Tom Hardys

Bubbles Always Burst: the Education of an Economist

Critical Support for What? A Reply to William Kaufman on the Left and the Sanders Campaign

Francis’s Anti-Capitalism? An Organic Moral Order

“Do Unto Others”: Pope Francis’ Call to Action

Workers Abroad: The Repatriation Problem

Connecting $15 an Hour Movement to other Social Movements

Bernie Sanders: He’s Not Black, But He May be Your Brother

Fear, Trauma and Healing: a Scientific Analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian Relationship

Love Letter to a Dying Friend: Joshua Tree Country

The War to End Slavery Didn’t