December 2014

The Contrition of Warlords

Has the IMF Been Reformed?

Why Obama Won’t Reach a Deal With Iran

From Panama to Ferguson

Inside the Occupation of Haiti

Afghan Refugees and the Displacement of Blame

Escape from Guantanamo Bay



divide taibbi

why not


too big

in bed

Cuba Will Not Renounce Its Ideas

The Year of Piketty

Reading Trotsky While Watching Kurosawa

John Muir is Dead; Long Live John Muir!

The Torture Industry

Death to “Happy Holidays!”

The Cuba Opening

Austerity Japanese-Style

‘Gagged’ by the Government

One Jew’s Christmas

Our Christmas Schizophrenia

Palestinians Recall Another Wall that Fell

An Anarchist Christmas

The Economic Myths of Santa Claus

Jesus, a Muslim Prophet?


How Facebook Killed the Internet

Misleading the World on Iran’s “Bomb”

Anti-Police Organizing in the Wake of Ismaaiyl Brinsley’s Death

Fighting ‘Islamic State’ is Not the Israeli Priority

Rot In the Big Apple

Political Rumbas Start in Cuba

2014 Was a Game Changer in Palestine

Who Wants to Be in the Movies?

Weaponizing Psychology

Cuba: Possibilities in Peace

A Christmas Truce Story

Mary’s Immaculate Deception

How the CIA Sold Obama on Counterinsurgency by Drone Assassination

The Politics of Dead Cops and the Coming Repression

Mad Maxatomstrom: Just Here for the Money

Taxpayers Could Be on the Hook for Trillions in Oil Derivatives

Toys From Abusive Chinese Factories Bring No Holiday Cheer

The Myth of Abraham and America’s Allegiance to Israel

Syria: Turkey in the Fray

From Pagan Spirituality to Christian Consumerism