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February 2008

The Unilateral Presidency

Obama and Israel

The Jevons Paradox

A Manchurian Candidate in the White House?

Australia’s Government Continues Its Love Affair with Israel

Academic Freedom? Not for Arabs in Israel

Cop Abuse in America

Hubris and Nemesis

The Obama Craze

The Birth of NAFTA

Why the Delta-Northwest Deal Hasn’t Taken Off

The North American Union Farce

"Iraq" Falls Apart

A Ray of Hope for Organized Labor

The Day I Bombed the House of Commons

The Myths of Forest Health

Nader’s Latest Run

The Fake State of Kosovo

The Crisis in Kosovo is Just Beginning

Incident at Turkey Point

Playing the Race Card

Pakistan for Sale

Guantánamo’s Shambolic Trials

After the Land Deals

The Auction-Rate Securities Fiasco

Conspiracy Theory, Fears of Betrayal and Today’s Anti-War Movement

Obama by Unanimous Decision

McCain and the 100 Year War

The Dom Perignon Socialist Manifesto

Ralph Nader vs. the Fundamentalist Liberals

Menetrez’s False Allegations

Neo-Liberalism and Protectorate States in the Post-Yugoslav Balkans

How Ohio Got Nuked

The Electoral Circus and Nader’s Sideshow

Condi vs. Putin on Bullying Belgrade

Canada in Afghanistan

Confessions of a Gitmo Guard

The Big HRT

The Foundations for Permanent War

Kosovo and the Empire Crazies

A Bloody Oil Film

Kucinich Goes Down

Iraq Broils

Why I’m Running

James Orange, Civil Rights Legend

Waterboarding is Merely Unpleasant … Right?

General Welch’s Whitewash

Bernanke’s Failing Policies

A Death in Damascus

Kick That Barrel!