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September 2007

Going Down on the Rocks in Dinosaur

Free Lunches, for Corporations!

Wag the Tail, Frag the Dog

Ethnic Cleansing in San Francisco

Buyer’s Remorse

The Good, the Bad and the Iraqi

The US Economy Since 1980

Clinton Time: Do We Set Our Clocks Forward or Back?

Bill Zimmerman or Bill-Did-Us-In?

Iran’s Nuclear Program

The Curse of the Military Commissions

Iraq’s WMD Myth

So What About Iran?

Hate and Hope in Herndon

The Children of 5767

A Ticking Bomb

Spinning Suicide Statistics

When Reagan Turned Brown

Of Toxic Almonds and Bad Beef

The Teflon Alliance with Israel

Burma by the Numbers

When Anthropologists Become Counter-Insurgents

Hell, Columbia

Why Presidential Records Must See the Light of Day

Soldier in Winter

September, the Cruelest Month in Chile

Why Did Israel Attack Syria?

A Prince of War Exposed

Housing Market Crashes and Burns

A Bad Week at Guantánamo

The CDC, Vaccines and Autism

Joe Biden’s Plan to Chop Up Iraq

Bush, Oil and Moral Bankruptcy

Quit the Party!

Pruning the Green Party

Interrupting the Empire, 30 Seconds at a Time

Perverted Justice

The Power of Public Sentiments

A Pandemic of Police Brutality

The Quality of Mercy in Gaza

Freedom to Speak, Freedom to Learn

Foam on the Water

A Meeting of Indigenous Peoples in Caracas

Pursue Diplomacy, Not War, with Iran

Speech? Arrest Him for God’s Sake

Bruce Springsteen Comes Home … to Hell

The UAW-GM Strike

A Barbarous and Ignorant Speech

At the Gates of Paradise

Still Smearing Alger Hiss