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October 2003

The Matrix (Interstate Snoop, Not the Movie)

How Arabs View the Masons

The GOP’s Racist Trifecta

Democrats Trick the Greens, Treat Big Timber

The Sweatshops of Sean "P. Diddy" Combs

In Baghdad, They are Naming Their Babies "Saddam"

Denigrating Critics of Israel

Marching with the Military Families

A Moral Level of Consumption?

Popular Insurrection and National Revolution in Bolivia

Howard Dean, a Hawk in a Dove’s Cloak

Paul Krugman, Part of the Problem

The Meaning of "Mission Accomplished"

Thieves Like Us

Dark Forces

Argentina’s War on the Piqueteros

Prosecutors as Therapists, Phantoms as Terrorists

Iraq Guerrillas Adopt a New Strategy

Every Day, One KIA

Authentics Americans and John Negroponte

The War on Civil Liberties Hits Home

The Politics of an Inferno

Incident in Gaza

Halliburton in Iran

Wishing Death

Eyewitness in Iraq

Why Stop with Duranty?

George Bush, the Anti-Family President

9/11 and Ashcroft’s Crackdown on the Constitution

Banging Your Head into Walls

Ministers of War, Criminals of the Cloth

Antonin Scalia’s Contemptus Mundi

Occupational Schizophrenia

Legal Globalization

Iraq War Memories are Made of Lies

War of the Words

Killing Endangered Species for Profit

Lessons from the Imperial Adventure in Iraq

Hitler’s Ghost Haunts America

Outsourcing US Guided Missile Technology

Palestinian Terrorism, Morality and Germany

Evil Acts and Evil Actors

Saving the Army of Peace

Tractatus Ridiculous

An Uncertain Peace in Bolivia

Should Rush Limbaugh Do Time?

Plotting Pre-emptive Strikes

Latin America’s Archives of Terror

The Tug of War on the Korean Peninsula

Another Path is Possible