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Testcontainers to the rescue

Testcontainers to the rescue

testcontainers to the rescue Imagine the following situation: you created a superb app suiting your use cases perfectly,  loads of unit tests, and even a pile of well-designed integration tests.  Seemingly nothing to worry about, however… Your integration tests also run on your test database and every time you run your test suite, your database […]

Looking Back: An Intern’s tale

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In de dynamische wereld van softwareontwikkeling is niets zo waardevol als hands-on ervaring en een omgeving die je groei stimuleert. Quinten Laenen, een stagiair bij Continuum-Jidoka, deelt zijn reis van ontdekking, groei en plezier tijdens zijn stageperiode in onze Tribe. Van een warm welkom tot het experimenteren met de nieuwste technologieën, zijn verhaal belicht niet […]

Welcoming Our Newest Interns: A Journey Begins


A first, exciting day At Continuum-Jidoka, we’re not just about innovation and cutting-edge technology; we’re also about nurturing talent and providing opportunities for growth. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce our latest interns: Gilles, Joppe, and Wietse. Gilles and Joppe, both Bachelor students in Electronics-ICT from Thomas More Sint-Katelijne-Waver, along with Wietse, a Bachelor’s student […]

User Groups and Communities, Say What Now?

User Groups November 2023

New Job, New Opportunities. I have heard many stories about Devoxx and how great it is to be able to attend. But up until now, I have never found the time to be able to attend. In September, I started a new journey at Continuum after being a Java trainer for 4 years. I couldn’t believe my […]

Authentication, authorization and pixies, how does it work?

Devoxx 2023 Oktober 2023

When I heard the news that I would be getting a ticket to attend the deep dives at Devoxx 2023, I was ecstatic. As a young developer it’s always nice to get the opportunity to learn new skills. In a landscape with so many options it’s easy to get lost, so Devoxx is a great […]

The Java Ecosystem 2023 Survey Results

Java Ecosystem Survey

During the last couple of months we held an online survey to get some insights of the Java ecosystem. As this is the second time we do this survey, we can compare the results. Make sure to have a look at our previous blog post on the results of 2022: This year we had a […]

My internship at Continuum

Blogpost My internship at Continuum

First, I would like to introduce myself. I’m Jonas Verlinden, a 25-year-old student with a big passion for full-stack development. As I write this, I am a student at Hogeschool PXL and pursuing a degree in Full Stack Application Development. At the end of the last semester, I was tasked with finding a company willing […]

The Advent of Code

Andreas De Witte Advent Of code

The advent of code is an event known among competitive programmers. It is a fun contest that releases a small algorithmic problem each day during the period before Christmas. Every day has two puzzles, from which the second is usually a harder extension of the original problem. The advent of code usually has a strong […]

Welkom Java 19!

Java 19

Lees hier de blog van Crafter Benoît over de release van Java 19!

Mijn stage als Full-Stack Developer bij Continuum

Mehmet start

Mehmet Cin Full-stack developer Ik ben een derdejaars IT student aan Hogeschool PXL, momenteel volg ik de afstudeerrichting Applicatieontwikkeling met als keuzetrack Full-Stack Development. Deze richting past bij mij omdat ik sinds kleins af aan een grote interesse heb ontwikkeld voor technologie, ik vroeg me altijd af hoe het gemaakt werd, vooral in de IT-sector.