Hire a student

Here are a few things to know about hiring student workers.

  1. There are two types of student employees:
    1. Regular Student Employee
    2. Federal Work Study
      1. Federal Work Study Program (FWS) provides jobs for undergraduate and graduate students who have established financial need through the submission of FAFSA. The FAFSA deadline for incoming freshmen is January 2 and for upperclassmen, April 1.
      2. FWS students have 75 percent of their hourly rate paid by the government. The remaining 25 percent is paid by the department that employs these students.
      3. FWS students work only until the award is earned.
  2. Students are paid twice monthly, and paychecks are automatically deposited into students’ bank accounts. Since work-study earnings are paid directly to students, the money cannot be credited to a student’s Clemson account for satisfaction of University charges.

Next Steps

For a Regular Student Employee

  1. Go to http://career.sites.clemson.edu/clemsonjoblink.
    1. If you are a new employer, sign up by following the employer link — you will receive approval within 24 hours.
  2. Log on to the employer link with the following:
    1. username (e-mail address)
    2. password (one you created or was sent to you during login).
  3. Select “Create a Non-OCR Job Posting” and post your job opportunity for students.
  4. Receive student applications through e-mail and hire an outstanding Clemson student to work in your office.

For a FWS Student

  1.  The Federal Work Study Manager, Debra Vassey, will send a memo to departments in early April with a link to the Position Request Form to be submitted in order to request FWS students.
  2. The FWS Manager will post your job on www.clemson.edu/fws, allowing you to become a user and view your positions. NOTE: Only students who are eligible for the FWS program and have accepted their offered award will be able to apply for jobs.
  3. Once FWS students apply for your position, you will receive an email from [email protected] with the applicant’s job profile.
  4. Log in using your Clemson username to www.clemson.edu/fws to view their profiles and applications.
    1. To view your positions, click on “Job Postings.”
    2. To view applicants, click on “View Applicants.”
  5. Contact students for further details and set up interviews, if needed.
  6. After selecting a student for hire, click on the student’s userid to view profile and click on “offer position”. The student will receive an email notification to accept or decline the job offer. Students may also accept their job offers via the FWS website.
Payroll contacts and supervisors will need to view the User Guide on the FWS website to gain useful information once they submit their Position Request Form.