姉妹都市「ホワイトホース市」 Sister City Whitehorse
2021 - 50th Sister City Anniversary 姉妹都市50周年記念
Matsudo City enjoys a long-lasting sister city relationship with the City of Whitehorse in Australia.
How did the sister city relationship begin? 姉妹都市交流のきっかけ
Whitehorse City メルボルンに近いホワイトホース市
Matsudo City's relationship with Australia first began in 1958. A student from Matsudo's Daigo Junior High School sent a letter to the Australian Embassy requesting eucalyptus seeds. The embassy obliged, and in 1960 the Australian ambassador made a special visit to Matsudo to see how nicely the trees had grown.
In 1969 Matsudo City officials requested the cooperation of the Australian Embassy to introduce a tree planting program - the city was growing rapidly and green spaces had diminished. It was at this time that the Australian city of Box Hill (now Whitehorse City) was searching for a Japanese sister city counterpart. The Mayor of Box Hill, the late Cr Ron Gleghorn, heard of Matsudo's tree planting initiative and initiated discussions regarding a formal relationship.
In 1970 the Mayor of Matsudo, the late Cr Kiyoshi Matsumoto, travelled to Canberra to attend a conference. He took this opportunity to also visit Box Hill City, and was impressed by its greenery and close proximity to Melbourne. It was decided that the formation of a sister city relationship would be fruitful for both cities, and on the 12th of May 1971 official documents were signed.
Making the relationship official 姉妹都市提携の調印式
Overview of Whitehorse City ホワイトホース市概要
Location: 15km to the east of Melbourne City (state of Victoria), Australia
Area: approx. 64.3 square kilometres
Population: approx. 178,700 (estimated 2019)
Town Hall
A green city
Whitehorse statue
位置: オーストラリア ヴィクトリア州の州都メルボルンから東へ約15キロメートル
面積: 約64.3平方キロメートル
人口: 約18万700人(推計、2020年)
Origin of the Whitehorse City name 市名の由来
The former City of Box Hill was amalgamated with adjoining Nunawading City in 1994, giving birth to the 'City of Whitehorse'. A hotel called 'Whitehorse' was built in the Box Hill area in 1853. It had rooms for both guests and their horses, and is said to have been the first two-storey building built in the area. This piece of history was the inspiration behind the naming of the amalgamated city, and has also led to the use of a white horse as the city emblem.
Climate 気候
Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere, meaning that its seasons are opposite to those in Japan.
Whitehorse has a temperate climate. Summer is hot and dry, with very little humidity. Winter is cool, but a little warmer than in Matsudo. The latitude of Whitehorse is roughly the same as Japan's Sendai region. In terms of time difference, Whitehorse is one hour ahead of Japan. However, between late October and late March Whitehorse enters Daylight Savings time, and is two hours ahead of Japan.
Local area and industry 街並み・産業
Whitehorse City has the 4th largest population amongst the cities in the state of Victoria. There are approximately 350 parks and reserves, prompting it to also be known as the 'Garden City'. Furthermore, Whitehorse is the largest regional industrial centre in the east of Melbourne. There are many shopping centres and restaurants, making it an attractive place to live.
Shopping Centre
Local park
Education 教育
The City of Whitehorse is home to 38 primary schools, 16 secondary colleges, 8 technical and further education institutes (TAFE), and one university. As such, there is an impressive number of educational facilities within the city's limits. Furthermore, there are many schools that teach Japanese as a foreign language.
School facilities
Local governance 行政・議会
The Whitehorse City Council is comprised of ten councillors. Two are elected from each of the five districts within the city, while the Mayor is elected directly by their fellow councillors. City Council meetings are held in the evening once a month, with a Special Committee Meeting meeting also held monthly.
Councillors are elected for a period of four years, and the Mayor is elected annually. The Mayor and their fellow councillors make decisions on behalf the the constituents they represent, while the administrative management of the city is the responsibility of the Whitehorse City CEO. This system is quite different to that in Matsudo.
'A day in the life of Whitehorse City Council' 「ホワイトホース市役所の一日」
The Whitehorse City Council have created an excellent video to promote both the City of Whitehorse and the work of the Council. Take a sneak peek into life in Matsudo's sister city!
Sister city anniversary events 姉妹都市締結記念事業
2024 - Australia Quiz Rally / オーストラリアクイズラリー
2024 - Whitehorse Month / ホワイトホース月間
2024 - Whitehorse Week event/ ホワイトホースWeek
2021 - 50th Sister City Anniversary 姉妹都市50周年記念
2017 - Sister city display and student art exhibition 平成29年:姉妹都市記念品と中学生の絵画の展示
2016 - 45th anniversary tour to Whitehorse 姉妹都市45周年記念ツアー ホワイトホース市へ
2016 - Student Art Exchange Project 平成28年の児童の絵画を交換・展示
Additional information その他
Timeline of sister city events 姉妹都市交流のあゆみ
Matsudo City honorary citizens 名誉市民