Chemung County is developing a Comprehensive Plan to shape the future of our communities! This plan will build consensus around a vision for the County and identify actionable strategies for topics like land use, economic growth, agriculture, transportation, housing, sustainability, resilience and more. The Comprehensive Plan is a living document with a long-term outlook that is updated periodically to respond to evolving growth and conditions in the County.
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
A Comprehensive Plan establishes a community-based vision for the future and identifies priorities and strategies across inter-connected key opportunity areas such as land use, transportation, economic development, and sustainability. It guides future land use decision making and development with the needs and desires of the community at the forefront, identifies opportunities for grant funding, and informs future policy and budget decisions to align investments with the public's priorities.
Why is a new plan needed?
This is the first Comprehensive Plan that will be developed for Chemung County. The Plan will highlight the current needs and desires of residents while addressing emerging issues and opportunities. Proactively planning today allows the County to manage expected population changes, development pressure, infrastructure demands, and more.