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2030 Census

2030 Census

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2030 Census Timeline

We consult external stakeholders throughout the decade, including government agencies, tribal governments, oversight entities, the general public, and respondents.

Planning for the 2030 Census is Underway

For the 2030 Census, we started early planning in 2019 and are currently in the Design Selection Phase. This phase includes research, testing, and operational planning and design work to inform the selection of the initial 2030 Census operational design.

The 2030 Census will count residents of the United States and five U.S. territories and will mark the 25th population count in the United States.

The data collected by the census is used to determine the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives (a process called apportionment) and is also used to adjust or redraw electoral districts based on where populations have increased or decreased. The results also inform decisions about allocating hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funding to communities across the country—for hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other critical programs and services.

Designing the Census

Learn about how we plan to carry out the 2030 Census and the different sources that provide input into the operational design or big-picture plan for conducting the 2030 Census. We plan to finalize the initial operational design in December 2024 and release it in 2025.

News and Updates

2030 Census Blogs

Stay informed with key information from Census Bureau leadership and subject matter experts.

2030 Census Webinar Series

The 2030 Census webinar series provides updates and lays the groundwork for key components of preparations for the 2030 Census.

Looking for more information?

Page Last Revised - December 20, 2024
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