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Join the Effort in Your Community

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Individuals, businesses, government organizations, nonprofits and community leaders all have a role to play in the 2020 Census.

Whether you have just a moment to spare or can commit to a sustained effort, there are multiple ways you can support a complete and accurate 2020 Census­ — starting today.

National and local partners serve as key census ambassadors, helping to ensure a complete count of everyone living in the United States once, only once, and in the right place.

Partners also help raise awareness of the census in their community and encourage participation among their employees, customers, members and the public.

Here are five ways you can get involved:

  1. Sign up for updates on new resources and opportunities to partner with the U.S. Census Bureau.
  2. Follow @uscensusbureau and spread the word about how the census is easy, safe and important by sharing our news, data products, fact sheets and infographics.
  3. Host a workshop to develop solutions to 2020 Census challenges in your community and generate commitments to tackle them.
  4. Form or participate in a State Complete Count Commission or a Complete Count Committee to encourage participation in your community.
  5. Participate in The Opportunity Project to use open data — data that can be freely used and distributed by anyone — to create digital tools that address our greatest challenges through innovative, collaborative solutions.
Keep up with the latest 2020 Census updates to find ways to get involved.

Shira Cavanaugh is the National Partnership Program's communications manager at the Census Bureau.

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Page Last Revised - November 2, 2024
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