Minority and indigenous communities in Kenya face social, economic and political exclusion and rampant discrimination that impede the realisation of their rights. The project seeks to reverse this trend. The overall objective of the project is to improve governance and contribute to end the discrimination and alleviate the poverty faced by minority and indigenous peoples in Kenya, through the inclusion of minority and indigenous concerns in key political, constitutional and developmental processes thus leading to good governance in the country. Specifically, the project seeks to empower minority and indigenous peoples so that they can secure the inclusion of their rights in key actions and policies at local and national levels in Kenya. Activities
- The constitutional and reforms debate and its implications on minority and indigenous communities in Kenya
- Analysis of the implementation of Art 100 Bill
- BBI Analysis and Memorandum
- Webinar: Politics of inclusion – the experience of minorities and marginalised communities in Kenya
- Policy Brief: Why the Land Value (Amendment Act) 2019 should be amended