Here's the Deal With Protein Treatments for Black Hair

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Jessica Felicio / Unsplash

Protein is the building block of hair and yet, we always reach for the moisture when it come down to maintaining our healthy tresses. Because why would our hair need more of what it already has, right? Not right. Chemical processes and direct heat can both chip away at the hair's health. Protein treatments help fill in those gaps, revitalizing areas that have been weakened and promising to strengthen the hair. So, when your hair looks brittle and frizzes easily, it may be worth trying a protein treatment instead of reaching for the deep conditioner.

Read on for all you need to know about protein treatments for black hair.

What Is a Protein Treatment

Think of a protein treatment as a special care pack for the hair. Whether delivered through a salon service or haircare product, the protein-rich formulas typically contain keratin and collagen proteins to rebuild and support the hair's natural protein structure. While hair follicles are naturally made of these compounds, factors like heat, diet, and styling stress can damage the hair and break down those proteins. A good treatment will replenish the matrix by providing new proteins to strengthen and protect the hair.

Benefits of Protein Treatments on Black Hair

  • Stronger lengths
  • Restored elasticity
  • Reduced breakage
  • Heat and damage protection
  • Softer look and feel to the hair

Whether you actually need a protein treatment depends on how you treat your hair on a day-to-day basis. If you routinely color, relax, texturize, or heat style your tresses, then replenishing them with protein could be a game-changer for you.

Byrdie Tip

Even if your curls seem healthy enough despite being subjected to damaging processes, investing in a monthly or bi-monthly protein treatment may help keep your curl pattern strong.

When to Use a Protein Treatment

Try a protein treatment if you have any of these signs:

  • Loss of elasticity: Healthy hair can stretch under normal conditions without breaking. Here's how to test elasticity: Stretch your wet hair out a little and see if it easily snaps back into shape without breaking. If it does, you’re good. If it breaks easily, you may need to increase how often you apply a protein mask.
  • Serious damage: When hair has been over-processed with chemicals, it may feel and look like seaweed when it's wet. When dry, it may feel extremely rough. This isn't regular dryness that Black hair is prone to. This is damage. Although Black hair is textured, when it's healthy, it's likely still soft to the touch.
  • Severe breakage: Every single person sheds on a daily basis. But when your curls are extremely damaged due to weakness, you may find strands of it everywhere—not just on your comb or brush but also on your pillow, on the back of your car seat, on your shirt, on the bathroom floor, and so on. It might even make a snapping or popping sound when you comb it.

Side Effects of Protein Treatments

Even if you already steer clear of chemicals and heat, properly administered protein treatments probably won't hurt your hair. You do have to balance protein with moisture, though, because too much protein might dry out your hair. Treatments do come in various strengths, so all-natural types can stick to only occasionally using a very mild product and avoid the more intense ones designed for serious issues.

The Takeaway

For Black hair that’s been severely damaged, an intense protein treatment may save the day—but only for the interim. The truth is, you're only delaying the inevitable. It can help, but it can't reverse anything that has been done. Eventually, you'll need to get a haircut or trim to take care of your fried ends, but that’s not a bad thing! Removing all split ends can help you take another step toward a healthy hair journey. In lieu of a protein treatment, you can start fresh by growing new, healthy hair. It might take a whole lot of patience, but it's definitely worth the wait.

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  1. Gavazzoni Dias MF. Hair Cosmetics: An OverviewInt J Trichology. 2015;7(1):2-15. doi:10.4103/0974-7753.153450

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