Dieser Linsen-Reis-Topf mit karamellisierten Zwiebeln ist ja wohl das perfekte Wohlfühlgericht
[Angebot von BuzzFeed] Das Ultimativ Tasty-Kochbuch ist jetzt im Handel. Hol es dir hier!
[Angebot von BuzzFeed] Das Ultimativ Tasty-Kochbuch ist jetzt im Handel. Hol es dir hier!
Lentils and Rice With Caramelized Onions
You need a little #worthitwisdom in your life.
"I have a crush on Filipino cuisine...it's stuck in my mind."
"Fish dish, bish."
Bagel baking at its finest.
Not all bacon is created equal.
You need a car that has space in the front, but even more space in the back.
Sagoi! (Translation: Amazing!)
"I'm so wet down there!"
Time to make your pumpkin seed game strong.
Pop open that top with some; pasta, peppers, and sausage.
Your heart will be so full.
Bread up your dogs for this game day dish.
Super comforting!
You need a car that has space in the front, but even more space in the back.
Did you know the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body?
Down with the swirl.