16 Times Kids Royally Messed Up And It Was Actually Kinda Funny (Except To Their Parents)

    Kids do the darndest — and most chaotic — things.

    1. This kid who cleaned their parent's car using an alternative for a sponge:

    2. This kid who explored their creative side with their parent's cash:

    3. This kid who accidentally caused some serious water damage in their house:

    4. This kid who was just really hungry:

    5. This kid who created a not-so-great hiding spot for their games:

    6. This kid who burned Cup Noodles:

    7. This kid who dropped their Kindle Fire in the gap between the elevator and floor:

    8. This kid who gave their parent's laptop some updates:

    9. This kid who, TBH, rearranged their parent's keyboard in the way it always should've been.

    10. These kids who put their parent's money in a safe place:

    11. These kids who were forgetful on a harsh winter's day:

    12. This toddler who already has a STRONG pitching arm:

    13. This kid who dropped a Lego set in the sewer:

    14. This kid whose toy doubled as a weapon:

    15. This kid who gave their baby sibling something new to play with:

    16. And this kid whose gift kinda made it look like their parent brought drugs to the city county building: